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CW: lies

No one ever, no one ever proved

That you can claim a whole lot more than I

That you can claim a whole lot more than I

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N wasn't sure why she was getting so confused right now. Nothing peculiar had happened. She had been on the job, as usual, joking around a little with Satoshi. Nothing out of the ordinary. And of course with all the weird suspicions against him, they were talking about that, too.

The murders, the accusations, the investigation. And then Y/N had made an off-handed comment about how she could never understand how anyone could think that Satoshi was the killer. She hadn't really thought much about it and Satoshi had just been sighing and shrugging it off.

But then he did something that had stuck with her. He just said 'good.' and smiled at her. As if he didn't seem in the least bit upset about all the allegations and all the negative attention he was getting from the media. Which was odd, because something like that could easily destroy a hero's career.

It struck Y/N as incredibly odd that he didn't even seem to care about that. Sure, a certain amount of indifference was probably good in that situation, but he didn't seem the least bit worried and that wasn't normal. Y/N had kind of pushed it out of her mind for the time being, but once she got home it just kept coming back to her. And it made her question every little thing.

She had been lying awake almost all night, wondering why this one tiny thing was tripping her up so much. But then she kept remembering other small things that she hadn't even paid a lot of attention to. She still didn't believe that Satoshi was guilty of all the murders, but she couldn't shake the thought of... what if? What if it was actually him? And she had been defending him all this time...

It really wasn't a nice thing to think about, but Y/N couldn't fall asleep as her mind kept spinning around those same thoughts over and over and over again. She knew that there was no way that Satoshi had done this... no way... or was there? Theoretically, he could have done it...

But he wouldn't... right? He wouldn't do anything like this... but then why was he always asking her for alibis? Why was he always home alone when something happened? And why was he always somehow one of the first to stumble over the bodies? Sure, they had both been working on the case, and with the killer operating in their general surroundings, it made sense that they found the victims on their patrol routes, but... was it maybe getting a little suspicious?

Y/N didn't know. She didn't know what to think anymore and she just wanted to sleep, so all this overthinking was torture for her. She wondered if she had any sleeping pills somewhere, but she knew she didn't have anything. She had never needed them before all this. Usually, she was fine just on her own. Her mind wandered to the cigarettes she had in her bedside table...

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