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CW: hints of jealousy

I thought I'd make change happen overnight

I was 20, thought I had a good hold on life

I was 20, thought I had a good hold on life

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~Flashback Chapter~


Shouta turned around to see who was calling out to him. He had just been about to head back home from patrol without getting any work done, when he saw an alert about a villain attack. He hesitated for a second, because he simply wanted to go home and collapse into bed.

But then again he hadn't done anything all night which also meant no money. And he couldn't really afford not going to this villain attack. So he had gone to the location as quickly as he could and when he arrived - there was nothing. And then he heard that voice calling out to him.

He saw Y/N smiling, a roll of duct tape in her hands, as she slowly jogged towards him. There was a big figure leaning against the wall of a house behind her, groaning a little with sweat pouring down his forehead. Was that... was that the villain? It seemed so. And it seemed that Y/N had been faster than he had been. Damn it. She had enough money to be paying a side-kick, this wasn't fair...

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Villain attack. But it seems I was too slow." he answered, as he gestured towards the villain that was tied up with duct tape.

"A little, I guess. He went down pretty fast with my Quirk." she replied with a grin. Shouta sighed.

"Guess that'll be another month of living on instant ramen..." he muttered. Y/N's eyes widened, as she realized what he was implying. Shouta didn't really want to be pitied or anything, but he was just incredibly annoyed that he wasn't making any money from this, especially after he had basically done overtime for this. But he never wanted Y/N to pity him. Damn it.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, Shou, I didn't know. I'll treat you for food next month, okay?" she replied, when someone suddenly appeared next to her. It was a young man, tall and thin, with dark hair and piercing eyes. Shouta didn't like him. Something seemed kind of off about him. He just looked too intense.

"I went and told the police, so they should be on their way now, Y/N." he said to her. Y/N seemed pretty unfazed and smiled at him.

"Perfect, thank you." she just said, before turning back to Shouta. He raised an eyebrow at her, hoping she'd just give him an explanation for who that was. Maybe the new sidekick she had gotten? She had told him there was someone that seemed promising, but they had both been pretty busy ever since and hadn't managed to meet up ever since. So Shouta really had no idea.

"Shou, you should meet Satoshi Takamoto. He's my new sidekick, hero name Issou." Y/N introduced him. Shouta nodded slowly. This guy better not steal Y/N from him, because he was giving him creepy vibes.

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