730 23 4

CW: hurt feelings and icy cold

You ask me what I want from life, I said to

Make a lotta money and feel dead inside

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Y/N dropped her bag on the floor of the apartment. The last time she had been to Shouta's place was when he was still living in a cheap flat in some terrible area, because that had been the only thing he could afford at the time. The place he was living in now was... it was nice, but it didn't really have a very distinctive Shouta vibe. Not the Shouta vibe she knew anyway.

The Shouta she knew didn't give a shit about nice modern glass exteriors and fancy bedsheets and carpets and nice glasses. And Y/N couldn't really imagine that he bought all that stuff himself. This seemed like the kind of stuff someone had helped him buy when he first moved in. Y/N hoped she was a nice lady. It seemed like it hadn't worked out either way, because she was nowhere to be seen and Shouta had never mentioned a girlfriend either. Who knew.

"This looks kinda different..." Y/N muttered, as she looked around. There were even some potted plants... Shouta never used to have potted plants. None that survived, anyway. This felt so weird. Of course Shouta would be different after all this time. Y/N was very different herself, but... there was just this painful pang in her heart when she realized how much time they had missed out on.

"The other apartment was getting a bit too small." Shouta just said. Y/N heard some small taps on the floor. She looked down and noticed a small black cat running towards Shouta, but stopping when it noticed her. Y/N smiled and bent down, holding out her hand for the cat.

"Who's this, Shou?" she wanted to know. She knew that Shouta had always liked cats, but she would never have thought that he'd finally get around to owning one himself. The cat was slowly inching closer to her, trying to get a good sniff of her by staying as far away as possible.

"Oh, that's just Taro. I got him a while ago." Shouta answered. Y/N chuckled as the cat was coming closer, apparently concluding that she wasn't a threat. She patted his head gently, scratching behind his ear a little.

"He's cute." she replied, before getting up again and looking at Shouta. He was smiling down at Taro absentmindedly. This was the first time Y/N had seen him smile since she had seen him again after all those years. She had so many questions - what his life looked like now, whether he was still friends with Kayama and Hizashi (well, he obviously was friends with Hizashi to some extent), whether he was alone or if there was maybe a girlfriend... maybe she didn't want to know that last one.

"So where do I sleep?" Y/N wanted to know.

"You can have the guest room or the couch, whichever you prefer. Just try not to be too loud and wake me or anything. And I'm also not tidying up after you." Shouta replied coldly. Y/N fucking hated this. He was being so cold ever since they had met again and Y/N knew that she had fucked up and that she shouldn't just have disappeared, but by the time she realized... well, it had already been too late to make amends. She hadn't been quite right ever since everything that happened. And she still wasn't okay. But what could she do? Life had to go on.

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