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CW: cheesiness

Step from the road to the sea to the sky

And I do believe that we rely on

And I do believe that we rely on

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"I forgot how nice and peaceful everything looks from up here." Y/N said. Shouta looked over to her, wind in her hair, as she was looking out over the city at night. He knew that she had always loved seeing the city at night from high up. They had spent so many nights like that, Shouta couldn't even count them.

And it was an amazing view they could get from a high-rise building in the middle of the night. So many lights, glittering, covering the entire city in a faint glow. And above them just darkness and then the faint glow of the stars that was barely recognizable with all the light from the city.

"You know, I haven't been up on rooftops for long without you." Shouta admitted. It was true, he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Really? Why not?"

"Because it just felt wrong without you. I don't know, it wasn't the same. And it always made me think of you and... I don't know. I just didn't like having to think about all that bullshit that happened." Shouta replied. Y/N looked over at him with a sad and melancholic smile, before leaning against the railing and letting her eyes wander over the skyline again. She looked almost angelic like this.

"That's kind of sad. You shouldn't have let me spoil this for you. It's such an amazing view, Shou." she answered.

"Not the same without you." he muttered. He felt kind of embarrassed to admit it, maybe because he had never admitted something like that to anyone before. Shouta had never admitted to needing anyone. Telling Y/N that things weren't the same without her... it was close to proposing for Shouta.

"Wow. I never had picked you for so much of a romantic, Shou." she answered with a slight chuckle.

"I'm not, I... I'm not a romantic. You're imagining things. Is your Quirk acting up again?" he asked, trying to sound indifferent, but failing terribly. It all just sounded way too exaggerated as if he had said it that way on purpose. And of course Y/N had noticed it, too. She snickered and shook her head.

"Maybe I am imagining things, who knows. But you know what? It's a nice thing to imagine. Shou, the romantic. Kinda suits you in a weird way."

"I don't see how it would suit me."

"It does. In your own, weird, grumpy way."

"Whatever you say. You're crazy."

"Oh, come on. We're all a bit crazy. You can't hold that against me. Plus, I'd only be half as much fun if I wasn't crazy, right?" she asked him. Shouta just replied with a short scoff, before looking out over the city again.

She was right of course. He was head over heels for her - still, after all those years - and he loved her just for how crazy she was all the damn time. He loved her so damn much and there was no point hiding it. It had been a few weeks since Takamoto had been sentenced now and they had been living together ever since then. Shouta hadn't been sure whether he would struggle having a roommate or not, but... he didn't mind having Y/N around. She fit right in.

And Y/N seemed to be doing much better, herself. She still got nightmares, but after a time where they had gotten really bad for no reason, they seemed to become much less frequent. She was also spending much more time with other people, she was socializing more than Shouta did and she seemed to smile a lot more. Shouta was glad about that - he liked her smile.

There were still times when she didn't seem too sure about what would happen to her in the future or about what she wanted, but she had been starting to train again and work out regularly since last week and she seemed to be getting back into shape quickly. Shouta didn't want to ask her about it, but he was curious whether she was thinking of going back to hero work.

"You ever thought about that Eraserhead and Fever Dream collaboration again?" she suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Not too much. Why?" Shouta replied. That was a lie. He had been thinking about it all the damn time, wondering what it would be like, hoping she'd bring it up or something, because... it seemed like a nice idea. Working with someone else for a while, at least. Maybe for a very long while.

"I don't know, I've been wondering if you'd be up for it." Y/N said with a shrug, but her eyes lingered on him just long enough to let him know that she wasn't as indifferent as she was pretending to be.

"It sounds pretty nice. You think you can keep up with me?" Shouta asked with a big smirk on his face.

"The real question is if you can keep up with me, Shou Shou."

"Oh, I definitely can keep up with you. Why don't we put it to the test and start some collaboration?"

"Oh yeah? You think I'd wanna work with you?"

"I know you want to."

"You're damn right, I want to." Y/N said and laughed, before wrapping her arms around Shouta's neck and pulling him a little closer.

"So... we're going to try this hero thing together then?" she asked quietly. Shouta nodded, pulling her even closer, their foreheads almost touching.

"We're going to try this hero thing together." he said, before pulling her into a long and gentle kiss, the glow of the city below them and some faintly shining stars above them.

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