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CW: interrogation

Keep testing my patience

I always get what I want

Shouta glanced over at Y/N, who was sipping her coffee and tapping her fingers nervously against the coffee cup

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Shouta glanced over at Y/N, who was sipping her coffee and tapping her fingers nervously against the coffee cup. She had pretty much recovered from her episode earlier in the week and was pretty much back to normal again. She had refused to see a doctor right away, but she had promised Shouta that she would see someone as soon as all this was over. He had made it a condition of her moving into his place, because that stuff? That looked serious as hell.

Y/N seemed to have noticed him looking, because she glanced up at him as well and gave him a small, tired smile. Shouta still couldn't believe that they had finally gotten past that whole friends with benefits stage. It had taken them long enough... but he had never thought he would ever be with her again. Especially after she had just disappeared. This still seemed like some sort of miracle to him.

"You okay?" she asked him, her voice sounding softer than at any other time since he had seen her again.

"I should be the one asking you about that." he replied with a chuckle. Y/N smiled and took a sip from her coffee, closing her eyes as she was savouring the taste. Whatever taste there was to savour, because the coffee at the police station was fucking terrible. Shouta wasn't really sure how people survived on this stuff, but it seemed to do the job pretty well for the police.

They were always overworked anyway, so they were probably ready to have anything that would make them feel a little more awake, even if it tasted like fucking sewage. Shouta couldn't comprehend how Y/N could even keep that down, but she seemed tired enough to not complain.

"I'm fine. Honestly, Shou, you need to stop worrying about me so much. I was fine all these years, I'll continue to be fine." she answered.

"I don't know if I'd call that being fine. You were miserable, Y/N, you said it yourself. I don't know why you keep saying that you were fine, when you clearly weren't." he replied, shaking his head.

"I just... I managed to survive, didn't I? And it wasn't like there was anything I could do about being miserable. It was just the way it was. But things are going to be better soon, right? Takamoto, he... he'll be locked up and I'll get my license back and I can start fresh, right?" Y/N asked.

She almost made it sound like someone was going to come and take all of that away from her just as she was grasping for it. Shouta wouldn't be surprised if that was what happened. He didn't trust the hero commission much, when it came to keeping promises like that... they tended to be far too concerned about their own public image. But Shouta was prepared to fight them, if it ever came to that.

"It'll be fine. And if it isn't, then I'm still there to make sure that you'll be fine." Shouta told her. Y/N smiled at him and took another sip of her coffee, this time grimacing. She had probably woken up enough to realize just how bad this coffee was. She quickly put it down on the counter, probably so she could pretend that she forgot about it later and would have an excuse to get rid of it.

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