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CW: talk, big feelings

You knew the game and played it

It kills to know that you have been defeated

Y/N was sitting on Shouta's bed, staring at his hands carefully applying some sort of ointment to her knuckles

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Y/N was sitting on Shouta's bed, staring at his hands carefully applying some sort of ointment to her knuckles. Y/N had never really taken care of them like this after a fight. Sure, they were always bruised and they hurt like shit, but the most she ever did - the most she could afford - was to put an ice pack on them and hope it would go away soon. Focus on mahjong for a while.

She never did the fights for the money she was getting from them. They were always something more than that. Whenever she was upset, it just... it helped her let go of so much energy. It helped her to get rid of all those overwhelming emotions inside her. Sure, it was dangerous. Sure, it was illegal. But who cared? No one cared if she got injured. And a prison cell was probably nicer than her own place.

But now here she was and someone did care about her and... what the hell was she even thinking when she went there again? She was upset, that much was sure. She probably wasn't thinking anything. All she wanted was the adrenalin from the fight. The pain from those bruises and injuries. The excitement of it all. It was one of the few things that made her feel alive these days.

Y/N pulled her hand back, as Shouta was touching a particularly painful spot on her hands. He looked up at her with raised eyebrows and Y/N quickly looked away and held her hand out to him again. She felt a little embarrassed that she was being fussy now, after Shouta had seen her getting beaten to a pulp. But this whole taking care of injuries thing hurt like shit... and not only physically.

It hurt to realize that someone did actually care for her. And that she had probably worried him a lot, just because she needed to feel some pain and excitement. All she wanted was to sit in her dingy old apartment, feeling the pain in every part of her body and wondering whether she'd survive or not until she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. But Shouta had other plans. And Y/N was kind of glad about that, even though she didn't really want to admit it, even to herself.

"Why do you do this, Y/N?" Shouta suddenly wanted to know. Y/N looked at him for a while, the way he was mustering the tiny wounds and the massive bruises on her knuckles, as if it actually hurt him to see her like that...

"I don't know. I just like it. Makes me feel better." she mumbled. She wanted to be honest with him, but she just couldn't say it out loud like that. It felt wrong to say it. As if she was betraying some weird secret.

"Even though it's as dangerous as it is?" Shouta asked, before starting to wrap a bandage around her wrist and her hand. He was so gentle and careful with her, Y/N wanted to cry. But she held it back successfully. For now at least.

"Who cares if something happens to me? I certainly don't." she replied with a shrug. Shouta sighed.

"I care." he answered. Y/N scoffed and grinned at him. He cared? Maybe he cared now, but he hadn't cared all those years. He probably wouldn't even have cared when they first met again. So why did he care now? Because they had sex one time? What the fuck was he trying to get at?

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