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CW: awkward press statement, humiliation, shame and guilt, talk of manipulation, trauma, murder

Oh honey, you're so cold

I lose my self-control

I lose my self-control

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~Flashback Chapter~

Seeing her up on that platform was breaking Shouta's heart. She didn't deserve this. She really didn't deserve this. Shouta wasn't even sure why he was here. Sure, he wanted to be her to support her, even though they had been arguing the last time he had spoken to her. But still.

Now he was wondering whether it had been a good idea. He hated seeing her like this - defeated, knowing that this was the end. Her eyes didn't look lively and fiery anymore, the little excited gleam they always had was gone as well and now they just looked tired and dull, as if there was no life left in them. She was looking down, not facing anyone, her (e/c) hair tied back strictly, very different to the way she'd wear them normally. She had even taken out some of her piercings. She didn't even look like she was the same person anymore.

She wasn't looking at anyone when she was bowing, before sitting down for the press conference. The room was full of people. Everyone wanted a good shot of the fallen hero after all. The whole story had been debated and torn apart for months in the press now and Y/N was the one suffering most from all this, when the real culprit got way less attention than her. It wasn't fair.

"Pro-hero Fever Dream will now give a statement about the situation that has developed over the last few months, involving her side-kick Breath Maker or Satoshi Takamoto." someone announced. Y/N got up and bowed deeply again, still avoiding looking at anyone in the audience.

"I am deeply sorry for everything that has happened. Satoshi Takamoto was under my supervision as a side-kick. I failed to take sufficient care of him and to take proper responsibility to avoid all those murders from happening. I want to apologize to the public, but especially to the families and friends of the victims, for my negligence. There is nothing I can do that will make up for this. To make things worse, I have failed to recognize the signs and I have helped him in unknowingly covering up what he had done. For that I would like to apologize as well and I will agree to any consequences that will come from that." she told the crowd, her voice sounding mechanic and monotone. Shouta could feel a painful pang in his chest.

The noise of a few hundred camera shutters was around him, as Y/N bowed again, before sitting down and taking a sip from her glass of water. She looked like she wanted to cry and Shouta could basically feel the desperation from her. She didn't want to do this, she didn't want to be here, but she still felt so guilty and responsible for what happened. And the media was just reinforcing it.

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