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CW: bad living conditions, poverty, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, talk of murder and manipulation

I've been way too numb now

I'm livin' on the run now

I'm livin' on the run now

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After the initial shock had worn off, Shouta sighed and just knocked again. There was no point, he knew Y/N too well to just give up like that. If they left now, she'd lose all respect for them. Hizashi didn't seem too convinced of Shouta's methods, glancing at him, his eyes expressing his discomfort.

"Shou, are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked, as Shouta continued knocking at her door.

"Yeah. Trust me, I know her. If we don't get to talk to her now, we'll never find her again." he muttered, just as the door opened again and Y/N looked out at them. Finally, Shouta could get a better look at her. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she looked tired as hell. She did have a big black eye and there was a cut on her lip that looked like it had been bleeding.

"What the fuck do you want?" she asked, while crossing her arms. Shouta wondered what the hell had happened to her. She must have gotten in a fight or something. Was she a vigilante? If she was then it was probably better for her not to work with the police right now, because they might find out something.

"We just came to talk about something." Hizashi replied with a big smile. Y/N raised her eyebrow. Shouta noticed that she had a new piercing there, as well. She seemed to have gotten a few more - a nose ring, the eyebrow one and there seemed to be more in her ears as well.

"Then why are you just standing there? Talk." she said. Shouta sighed. He had expected her to be somewhat stand-offish, but not quite like that. Then again, they hadn't seen her for... years and years. What was he expecting? That she would drop everything and ask them inside and then he'd kiss her and they'd make out just like back in the day and everything would be fine?

"It's probably better if we come inside for this. Come on, Y/N. Please." Shouta replied. Y/N glanced at him, her eyes seeming to warm up just a tiny bit. But with that warmer expression, there was also some sadness in her eyes. She shook her head and looked away, opening the door for them. Shouta didn't waste any time heading inside and Hizashi followed him hesitantly.

"I wasn't really prepared for visitors, so don't mind the chaos. Sit down anywhere you like." she told them. She wasn't exaggerating when she said not to mind the chaos. The whole place looked terrible. There was mold on the walls that seemed to have been growing there for at least a century and the floor had some weird stains that looked like you'd only get rid of them by tearing out all the floorboards.

The room didn't have a lot of furniture in it. There was a small table with one foldable chair and there was a couch that looked like it was at least fifty years old. There was a small couch table which had holes burnt into it, probably from cigarettes. The entire apartment smelled of cigarettes, dust and mold. How anyone could live here was completely beyond Shouta.

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