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CW: waking up in hospital, injuries, scars, flashbacks

I tried to scream

But my head was underwater

But my head was underwater

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N wasn't sure how long it had been since she had passed out. She was absolutely convinced that she was dead. The last thing she remembered was her using her Quirk on Satoshi while he was carving the cuts into her thighs. He didn't just make one cut, he repeated them over and over and over. Most of the time he was doing it agonizingly slow, too.

She could see that her Quirk was taking effect, but she had used it too much and she was too weakened already, so it didn't last long enough. She passed out before she could manage to stall for time. What happened after that... Y/N had no idea. She hadn't thought she'd ever wake up again... so she had to be dead, right? There was no way she'd still be alive...

Unless she was still in that abandoned apartment and Satoshi was just waiting for her to be fully conscious again, before taking out one of her teeth. Maybe he wanted that... so she'd be in more pain. Y/N quickly opened her eyes, realizing that she needed to know what the hell was going on.

But her surroundings looked completely unfamiliar. The first thing Y/N realized was that she was lying down and looking up at a plain white ceiling. There was a strange beeping noise somewhere next to her. What the hell was going on? Had Satoshi moved her? Where was she?

She tried sitting up, but she was feeling dizzy, as she did that. She was in a bed, in a room that was looking very clinical... This was a hospital room, wasn't it? Was she in hospital? What the hell had happened? How had she gotten out of there? How had she gotten into this place? How long had she been here already? How long would she have to stay? Y/N groaned as she felt a thudding pain in her head.

Y/N felt dizzy and she had a headache. Her throat felt dry and parched and her legs hurt like hell. What the... the cuts. Y/N shuddered when she remembered the cuts. She carefully pulled the blanket aside and looked down at her own body in the hospital gown. Should she look at the wounds...?

Y/N wasn't sure whether she wanted to see it. She was curious how bad it was, but just thinking back to it was making her feel like she was going to throw up. She wasn't sure if she could handle actually seeing the cuts. Y/N gulped and slowly pulled the hospital gown up, while tears were gathering in her eyes. She was almost scared of what she was going to see.

But in the end all that was revealed were two bandages that looked like there was some old crusty blood on them, probably because she had been bleeding like crazy. Y/N took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Okay... okay, this wasn't as bad as she had thought. Maybe this would all be okay... sure she'd have scars, but she could get them covered up or something...

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