Ch. 26 - Bones

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A/N: alright! Things are gonna start picking up pretty soon. I'm really excited about where the plot is going.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

I ended up sleeping in my clothes from yesterday last night. I fell asleep almost immediately after Shinso released his hold on me, and I'm not entirely sure why but I think I dreamed about him hugging me last night. Not that I'm complaining, but this crush is seriously getting out of hand.

I woke up around 10am again, and Shinso was in the shower. I sat in his bed and tried not to think about the league breaking through Shinso's window and taking me again while I waited for him to get out of the shower. I told my brain that I was being stupid and that they weren't going to get me but it didn't listen, so I sat there nervously glancing around the room like a weirdo.

Half an hour later we were both ready for the day and playing a card game on the floor. Shinso told me that recovery girl had mentioned something about no longer wearing some of my bandages on Monday and I was really excited about that. They were really uncomfortable, but I was sorta worried about people seeing the scars. As long as I wear the school uniform I'm sure they'll be covered.

After our card game we went downstairs for lunch and Shinso made me more of that tea from my first night here, and I was thankful, even though my throat was mostly back to normal. It tasted really good.

The rest of the day was remarkably calm and we just hung out and had fun in Shinso's room. I learned that his beanbag was extremely comfortable, and it was my new favorite spot in his room.

Somewhere in the back of my head I kept thinking about how I was wearing the last pair of clothes that had been brought over for me, and that I would have to go back to my dorm to get more. I was scared that they would make me stay there now since I seemed sort of okay with my classmates, and then I wouldn't have an excuse to stay with Shinso. We wouldn't even be in the same building. Then what if I fell, or had a really bad nightmare, or the league broke into my room and I couldn't fight back because of the quirk cancelling band, or-

"Midoriya?" I nearly jumped out of the beanbag.

"Sorry, was I mumbling?" I nervously ask.

"No, your fine, you just looked a bit worried so I wanted to make sure you were alright." My heart melted when he said that. What am I going to do without him?

We stayed up till around eleven talking about different heroes and conspiracy theories, before finally going to bed. I felt bad though, knowing Shinso probably wouldn't fall asleep for another few hours.

It was safe to say that Sunday had passed by quickly and uneventfully, and for that I was very grateful.

On Monday, we both woke up to Shinso's six o'clock alarm and I was mad at myself for not getting up at my usual 5am time. It's not like I set an alarm, so I guess it can't be helped. We both got ready for the day and left towards the school building early.

Classes go by like usual and while the class is doing combat training I have a physical therapy session. Aizawa walks over after I've finished and tells Shinso to take me to recovery girl after classes. I can't help but notice he looks a little fidgety, which is strange considering how he normally acts. Now that I'm thinking about it, he's been acting different ever since I got back. It's been worse than usual today though. After that I get really excited and can't sit still. I remember that Shinso mentioned me maybe being able to get rid of some of my bandages permanently today, and it will give me so much more movement.

We leave the classroom a few minutes early so as not to get stuck in the crowd and we pass by a certain blond haired boy in the halls named Monoma.

"Oh look, it's the hero course student that got kidnapped." My mood immediately drops.

"This just proves how much better we are than 1-A. 1-B knows how to defend themselves, and without breaking all their bones in the process." He mocks, bending over to be eye level with me.

"Watch your mouth, asshole." Shinso warns, stepping in front of me.

"Aww, he's got a little Gen-Ed bodyguard. Can he not take care of himself? Does he need Mr. Brainwash to make him feel better?" His voice is high pitched and his face is screwed up into a mock pout.

My eyes fill with tears and I want to curl in on myself. I know I'm weak and useless, but why would he also insult Shinso? Is this my fault?

"Is he gonna cry like a little baby? Does he need his mommy?" That was what tipped me over the edge. A whimper left my mouth and I pulled my knees up to my chest, crying.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I-" Shinso'a quirk seemed to work faster than usual, probably because he was mad.

"Go to Vlad-King and tell him exactly what just happened." Shinso was practically seething and the warm comforting voice that I was used to him using with me was gone. I want it back.

I felt arms wrap around me and I froze up, but then I smelled Shinso's shampoo and my body relaxed.

"Don't listen to him, okay? You're so strong. He's just jealous because he's not in 1-A." He gently rubbed my tears away with his finger and we went to recovery girl. When we got there she asked why I was crying quietly and Shinso explained what happened. She looked really mad, but obviously tried to cheer me up.

"You shouldn't need the bandages on your arms anymore, so if you'll let me I can take them off right now, and I can heal you up a bit since you have some energy back. It will just help heal any bruises or small cuts you may have left, like your busted lip." She says encouragingly, gesturing towards my lip.

"O-oh, thank you, recovery girl." I try not to bring the whole mood down further and act like I'm happy, but any excitement I had about getting my bandages off is gone. It's like loosing your appetite.

She unwraps my arms gently and I try not to look down at the scars.

Recovery girl looks almost surprised as she looks down at them.

"That's strange, they should have healed more by now. It looks like everything's been aggravated. Have you been wearing the bandages every day?" She asks. "It's almost like everything's been rubbed raw." She adds on quietly.

"I've been wearing them. Shi-Shinso has been helping me put them on." I mumble.

"Well they looked like they were wrapped well so it shouldn't be the bandages rubbing. Have you been gentle with them when you wash yourself?" Oh.

I don't respond and recovery girl lets out a long sigh, closing her eyes.

Did I... make her mad?

"I'm really s-sorry I'll be careful I swear-" words are tumbling out of my mouth and I shut my eyes.

"It's alright dear, just try to be more careful with yourself for now. I should be able to get rid of the irritation but you're gonna be pretty tired for a while."

1263 words.

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