Ch. 71 - Blasty

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A/N: Who dares call bakugo 'blasty'?... only one student in 1-A outside of the bakusquad would dare attempt such a thing, and without an ounce of fear, no less. Or maybe he just doesn't have any self preservation skills.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     10 minutes later I'm apologizing profusely for overreacting and reprimanding myself in my head for being so stupid as we rush to get downstairs and meet our friends on time. I don't tell him why I started crying.

     By the time that Hitoshi's gotten to his eighth assurance that it's okay, there's nothing wrong with you crying, you're not bothering me, we're hoping into the elevator.

     It stops at the lobby, the doors slide open, I take a step forward, my leg gives out and I'm falling to the floor. Aaaand I forgot to put my hands out so my face is going to smack into the floor, as if it hasn't been abused enough already.

     Hitoshi swoops in and pulls me up into his chest, and why am I even surprised?

     "You good?" He asks, looking down at me, then behind me, because of course all of my friends just saw that.

     "Yep." My voice comes out higher than I intended. "I think I just sorely overestimated how well I'd be able to use my feet first thing in the morning after getting used to using a wheelchair. My legs kind of feel like jello right now." I squeaked out.

     "Do you think we need to get the wheelchair? I think Mic is on his way over with a walking stick right now."

     "No, no. I don't need the wheelchair, the stick is fine, I just think I need a minute before I venture to take another step. That is, unless I'm planning on falling on my face again."

     "Well we can't have that now can we?" He asked, giving me the smallest of smiles. What is he planning? "Up you go then." He said, reaching down and scooping me off my feet, and stepping out of the elevator. A delighted laugh leaves my lips before I can stop it.

     "Wow Shinso, what a Prince Charming!" Uraraka calls out, and I feel Hitoshi stiffen. "Are you trying to make my bestie swoon over you, carrying him bridal style like that?" Now it's my turn to freeze, color coming up to my cheeks.

     "Don't tease them, ocha. Neither of them know how to handle it." Tsu said from beside uraraka. Ocha? How cute. When did tsu start calling her that? My embarrassment is forgotten as I wonder about the nickname.

     "Goooood morning, listeners!" A somewhat appropriately loud voice comes from the entrance to the building. Hizashi walks in, smiles and finger guns, and Iida is the first one to greet him.

     "Good morning, Mic-sensei. What brings you here so early this morning?" He asks politely.

     "Good question! I'm here to give iiimidoriya his temporary walking stick." He narrowly avoids blurting out my first name, managing to make it sound semi-normal. Hitoshi gives him a look that says 'really?'. "He's technically all healed up and good to go but his legs are a liiiittle behind on the recovery process because he hasn't been able to make much use of them for months, other than his PT with recovery girl." And because one of them was stomped on hard enough that it crunched. But, that's neither here nor there. I give a nod in agreement, secretly glad that he explained it.

     I knew my friends were curious, but also too afraid to ask about anything relating to what happened to me. Last night Uraraka and Todoroki seemed especially worried about my injuries and wanted to know how physical therapy was going, but it seemed like they were also afraid to bring up what caused the injuries, and I really didn't want to have to talk about it myself. Hizashi explained it without even bringing up what happened, and I gave him a grateful smile that I'm sure he didn't understand.

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