Ch. 31 - Improvement

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A/N: Shinso is precious.
Have fun reading!

Shinso POV

     I think I can feel myself getting more and more protective over Izuku by the day and it's making me nervous. I'm gonna end up doing something stupid like growl the next time someone touches him and then I'll look like a fucking idiot. This crush is so embarrassing.

     It doesn't help that I desperately want to take all his pain away and fix all of his problems and protect him from the world, but it's not really my place to do that. I know that he has to do some of his healing on his own, and probably some of it with an actual therapist rather than a friend. Oh, and of course Aizawa-sensei and present mic-sensei.

     Is it selfish of me to want to fix it all on my own? Maybe I just want him to rely on me, because then I know he wouldn't leave. That's kind of creepy, Shinso. I guess even after getting into one of the most prestigious hero schools in Japan I'm still insecure about being abandoned.

     Whatever it is, I'll just make sure to be there for him when he needs me and help the best I can, because his smile is the most important thing. His beautiful smile that makes the whole room light up and lets you forget all your problems. The one that makes me feel all flustered and gives me butterflies in my stomach. Yep, I've fallen for him.

     We're currently walking over to the 1-A dorms with the rest our class. It feels weird to say that, despite actually starting to make friends for once in my life. No matter how kind they are, I still feel like a bit of an outsider. Me? In the hero course? It's hard to believe.

     Before we left Aizawa-sensei told me that he had finalized a quirk improvement plan for me, and it really started to set in; I might not be here permanently, but for now I am just as much a hero course student as everyone else in that class. 

     Asui joined us for lunch, and Izuku ended up telling his friends about his mom -without crying, I might add- (I'm conflicted about whether I should be proud or concerned because he cries so much) but other than that, the day had been strangely uneventful. Iida had confessed that he heard about Izuku's mother's death on the news, but didn't want to say anything in case he wasn't ready to talk about it. He said It was a personal matter, and he didn't want to make anything worse. Needless to say, my respect for him increased.

     I glanced over to Mina who was having a conversation about acid with Izuku, who seemed relatively comfortable at the moment. We were coming up on the 1-A dorms.

     I could tell by the random glances that most of the kids in 1-A were eager to talk to him now that they were out of school, but they thankfully seemed to grasp the idea that too many people at once would be overwhelming. So, they kept their distance, chatting quietly amongst eachother.

     When we got to the dorms Midoriya directed me straight to his, looking pretty relaxed about the situation after reassurance that he could still stay in my dorm.

     While he prepared a bag of clothes I glanced around his all-Might themed room, spotting a small picture frame with a younger him and someone who I identified as his mother. They looked really close.

     I made a decision to work as hard as I could to be closer with my parents, after seeing how happy it would make Midoriya. I need to be more grateful of them, after all, What if something happened and I regretted not being closer with them for the rest of my life. They were always so good to me, too. They never looked down on me for my quirk, so I could have had it a lot worse in life. I've heard about kids with 'villainous' quirks and no quirks at all being kicked out of the house or abused. My school life might not have been the best but at least I always had loving parents, even if I pushed them away. I'll do my best to mend our relationship and be more trusting.

     I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on Midoriya's dorm door. The poor boy jumped at the sound, giggling in embarrassment after. I couldn't tell whether or not he was trying to cover up the fear that seemed to fill his eyes for a split second. He's gotten a lot better remarkably fast from what I know but there's bound to be some slip ups every now and then. This kind of thing takes time to heal from.

     "Come in." He calls out, and I turn to see Uraraka peek her head in.

     "Hey, we wanted to know if you two wanted to do the sleepover tomorrow night." I'm pretty sure I visibly cringed, for more than one reason. First, the funeral is this weekend, and second, I've never been to a sleepover before and the idea kind of scares me.

     "Oh... could we do it next weekend? Mom's funeral is this Saturday." He looks guilty.

     "Oh! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, really. I should have guessed after what you told us at lunch today. Thank you, by the way, for confiding in us. We will always be here for you. But I'm really sorry! Next weekend is great if you're up for it!" She stumbles over her words in her haste to apologize.

     "No worries, Uraraka. A-and I'll be looking forward to the sleepover." He reassures.

     "Awesome, I'll let them know! Sorry again, I'll leave you two alone now!" She closes the door quickly but quietly, a subtle indicator of her observant nature towards Izuku, of which I very much appreciate. He has good friends.

     He quickly finishes packing up, and asks me excitedly if we can go back to my dorm. Obviously I say yes- I mean, have you seen his face?

     Oh great, I'm getting red just from thinking about his face. It's never before been so difficult to keep a neutral look.

     He gives me a tentative smile as I open his door for him, and I resume pushing him myself once he's gone through and I closed his door.

1076 words.

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