Ch. 2 - Rescue?

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A/N: there are multiple time skips in this chapter bcs I don't need five chapters of Deku being tortured. I promise the story line picks up soon.
Have fun reading!

⚠️warning⚠️: this chapter contains slightly gory torture scenes (I tried to make it relatively mild) as well as mentions of sexual assault. If this makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, please don't read this chapter! It mostly just gives context into some of his injuries. Don't stay up too late and drink some water!

Deku POV
I wake up in a small puddle of my own blood, (and another sticky substance) surprised to see my boxers on, though with a bloodstain on them. It hurts as I shift to an upright position, though I'm glad to have control over my movements again. I try to move my finger back into place to heal better, only to be met with pain and the knowledge that my finger had already begun to heal overnight. I wasn't sure but I thought I might have to break it again to put it back in place. I didn't want to risk anything so I left it.

I flinched at the creaking of the door as it opened, dread filling me.

Not again, not already. I just woke up.

I was surprised to see a different face, just as scary- if not scarier- than the last walk in. His skin was like patchwork, covered in large purple patches that closely resembled burnt skin, stapled to his face on the edges. After my initial shock, I notice that this man's face is lit up by a small flame as well, but his is blue, and upon closer inspection, his flame is coming out of the palm of his hand, not a candle.

"God, it smells horrible in here." He complains. His voice is deep, but it isn't nearly as creepy as the other guy's. "I'd better sterilize everything in here with my fire, starting with you."

"Wh-who are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, you little shit?" He sneers. My eyes immediately become wet with tears once again.

"Ple-ase don't hurt me."


By the time he leaves the room, my chest is covered in hand-shaped burns that are red and blistering. Dried tears cover my face and make it stiff as I sit curled up in the corner.

I just wanna go home and see my mom.

The door opens a few hours later and I'm met with yet another person. She bounds into the room, humming happily.

"Hi there, I'm Toga! Tomu says I'm not allowed to stab you, I can only give you bread and water today. Doesn't that suck? Maybe tomorrow I can try out my new blade on you. It's serrated. I bet your blood will taste great. It will definitely look beautiful smeared all over your body!"

I stare at her in terror as she continues, going into detail about my blood. It's making me feel queasy. I start dry heaving onto the floor in front of me and it hurts so much. I want this all to be over.

The girl leaves a slice of bread on the floor as well as a cup of water, skipping out of the room, all the while still talking to herself about blood. I don't want any of their food but I'm so hungry. I have to.

—- two days later

I have to get out of here.

Yesterday- or I think it was yesterday- that crazy girl cut long shallow gashes all along my stomach and made me taste some of my own blood. The man with the blue hair broke another one of my fingers in two places because I talked when I wasn't supposed too, and the one with the purple patches tied me up and used me as a punching bag. I felt two of my ribs snap. I blacked out while he was punching me and the next time I woke up I was untied and alone again. I've been sitting here for hours and no one has come in. Maybe they're leaving me to die here.

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