Ch. 29 - Sign

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A/N: I had to look up the newscaster's name from the show for this chapter because I couldn't remember it, and apparently his hair color is listed as 'straw'. I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

We go to class and I'm nervous. I'm technically getting adopted today, but it's just now setting in that I was even an orphan in the first place. The idea is foreign in my mind, and I'm sort of glad that I won't be one for much longer, but it's still weird.

Will that make Aizawa sensei and Mic sensei my parents? Or just legal guardians? Isn't that the same thing? Do I have to take the name Aizawa? I don't know. I'm stressing over this for no reason. But what if they are actually really strict and they never cook katsudon or let me do anything or- am I seriously getting worried over katsudon right now? I'm sure it will be fine. Present Mic is really nice and Aizawa is... well he's Aizawa, and he can be trusted.

Maybe... they could help me get back on track with my studies and give me extra one-on-one training. But they're already so busy as it is. They're teachers and pro heroes, besides, they already said they were doing it to make things easier for everyone. It's not like they're going to act as parents, they're just providing my basic needs and ensuring that I can stay at UA. I should be thanking them for this opportunity.

"-iya, Midoriya." I jump, whipping my head over to look at Shinso.

"Oh, sorry. Was I mumbling?" I ask, feeling my face heat up. That would be really embarrassing.

"A bit, but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to make out what you were saying so don't worry." Shinso says, looking at me fondly- wait what? I shake my head aggressively, glancing back up at his pretty lilac eyes- what is with me today?!

"Oh, ah, okay."

"I was just saying that it's lunchtime, and Todoroki went to pick up lunch for the both of us since we didn't bring anything. We're eating with him and Uraraka and iida again. Tsu wanted to join us but she had already promised Tokoyami she would sit with him today." He says. I wonder how it would feel if I cupped his face in my hands and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Uhm, alright. Sounds good." His eyes really are so pretty, and that's saying something because I've never understood why people thought eyes were attractive before.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Oh no, I was staring.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I looked away from him.

"Are you nervous?" He asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah, that's it." I stammer out.

I watch as he slowly reaches an arm out to wrap around my shoulders comfortingly.

"Well, I'm here for you, and remember, the decision is yours."

"Right." I say, nodding my head firmly.

Lunch and the rest of our classes went by quickly, although English was awkward because I was desperately trying not to look at present mic the whole time. I realized I had known both of them for quite a while now but I knew nothing about either of them, whereas they both knew so much about me. Physical therapy was even more awkward because Aizawa sensei decided to supervise my session.

He pulled recovery girl off to the side again to talk about my progress and it seemed like the conversation was going pretty well until some point towards the end when Aizawa gestured towards his hand and recovery girl just shook her head. He seemed to deflate, and I did too. I knew they were talking about my hand, and I couldn't understand why recovery girl wouldn't let me work with it. It's not like I lost all feeling in my hand or something, and I could sorta move my fingers so it seemed fixable.

The day was finally over though, and I was sitting in front of Aizawa's desk, staring down at a paper that Mic had just slid in front of me.

"Have you decided for sure that you want us to adopt you?" He asks.

"Uh, yes, I think so."

"Alright. Since you're over fourteen you have to sign part of the paper that basically says you consent to being adopted, right there, on that line." He says, pointing towards the bottom of the page.

Aizawa takes a large gulp of coffee from a cup that I hadn't seen before. He lets out a sigh of content as he sets the cup down.

I looked down at the paper, glancing over the words.

"Ooh, Shota! Before we send it in can we make a photocopy of it to keep for ourselves?"

"Yes, Hizashi. We can if you want too." Aizawa sighs again, though he looked more nervous than annoyed. That was still a weird sight to see.

I pick up the pen on the desk but hesitate before I sign.

"Um, do I, uh, do I need to take the last name Aizawa or..." the two of them looked at me in surprise.

"Not unless you want too. We didn't think you would be interested but it wouldn't be an issue to get it changed if you wanted." Aizawa provides.

"Oh, okay. I-I'm alright with my name how it is." I mumble.

I should just get it over and done with, I'm sure I'm stressing everybody out right now. I sign my name on the line, sliding the paper across the table back to the two of them. Mic gives me a huge smile, saying 'Welcome to the family.' And Aizawa has a small smile on his face as well.

"You can call me Hizashi if you want, or dad or papa or whatever, but use whatever you feel comfortable with!" Mic continues, before nudging Aizawa.

"You can call me Shota when we're not in class, I guess." He says, not meeting my nervous gaze. Mic nudges him again. "Or dad or whatever you want. I don't really care." He grunts, still refusing to look at me.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only nervous one right now.

"Thank you both, really. This means a lot." I say, bowing my head.

"No need to thank us, Midoriya! We're so happy to have you."


Me and Shinso walk back to the Gen-Ed dorms, and when we walk into the Common room the television is turned to the news.

"I'm Daikaku Miyagi, and you're watching the news." I heard my mom talking about him over the phone to a friend one time. Something about how he had gotten one of his horns removed so that he could broadcast the news more efficiently without it getting in the way. At the time I had been jealous. Why would you ruin your quirk like that when some people didn't even have one? I could understand where he was coming from now though.

     "A boy wearing the infamous U.A. uniform was seen on the night of Izuku Midoriya's rescue. Cameras caught him carrying out the kidnapped hero course student from the base of the well known League of villains." There was a dark and blurry video of someone who looked like Shinso entering a building next to someone in all black, probably Aizawa. Next to the video was a photo of what I assume is his student ID picture.

"Our sources say he was the one to rescue the boy, and he has been identified as first year Hitoshi Shinso, a General Education student who made it to the third round in the most recent U.A. sports festival. Could he secretly be a hero in training? Does he already have his hero license? We have yet to find any other information on him, but we have an update on the boy who was kidnapped." Now there was a photo of me up on the screen next to the reporter's face.

"Izuku Midoriya was released from the hospital the day after his rescue, and has been attending classes as usual since then. As far as we know, he has not left the campus since he was discharged from the hospital. His mother, Inko Midoriya was believed to be in a car crash and hospitalized the day he resumed classes. It is unclear at the moment whether or not she survived." An old photo of my mother appears on the screen.

How did they even get that, and what business do they have talking about her on the news?

Out of the corner of my eye I see Shinso glance down at me worriedly, putting a hand on my head.

"Let's go upstairs, yeah?" I find myself nodding, the picture of my mother imprinted in my brain.

1434 words.

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