Ch. 13 - Jawline

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A/N: I love the idea that Shinso just accidentally becomes every teacher's favorite student, like he's not even trying but they all love him because he's unproblematic and works hard. Also all the teachers think it's funny that Shinso and Aizawa are like the same person and they secretly all hope he can get transferred to the hero course.

Trigger warning:
There are two separate warnings in this chapter, you will see them labeled with one of these -> (⚠️). The first is just some minor freaking out and I guess body shaming? I think that's how it would be classified. The second one is at the end of the chapter and it lasts for the rest of it. He's having a panic attack and Shinso is helping him calm down.
Have fun reading!

Deku POV

     Shinso wheels us over to the coffee machine in the teachers lounge after Aizawa has left. Casually, he pulls out a mug from the cabinet and pours himself a cup.

     "Do you want any?" He asks.

     "No thank you. I-I prefer tea. Are you allowed to drink that?"

     "Yeah. This is actually my coffee mug. A lot of the teachers like me because I don't cause problems in class, so I end up in here a lot."

     I nod, forcing out a smile.

     "So, are you a-and Aizawa close?"

     "I wouldn't go that far, but he's been giving me a few lessons recently. I think he's thinking about transferring me into 1-A." He takes a sip of his coffee, black. He almost looks embarrassed telling me about it, like he's hiding behind his coffee mug. I'm sure he's not usually one to brag.

     "That's really cool, Shinso. I-I'm really happy for you."

     "Are you okay Midoriya?"

     "Yeah, yeah totally. I'm really great. Why wouldn't I be?" Wow, so smooth. I sound like an absolute mess.

     "What's wrong?" His tone lowers and gains some sort of protectiveness.

     "I just- I don't know if I'm ready to face them. I know it's not- they're not- that thing wasn't real-" now is really not the time for me to be panicking.

     "What thing Midoriya?"

     "I- I... I-"

     "It's alright. I'm here. You're safe." I look up at him, taking a deep breath.

     "Uraraka and Todoroki. I saw them. W-well I don't think- no it wasn't them. Not really. But they were... there. I don't know! They said such horrible things to me, and Todoroki- no, not Todoroki, he hit me. Bu-but it had to be them, because they knew so much about me. They were off though. Not quite like themselves."

     "Are you telling me that Uraraka and Todoroki were there, at the league of villains?"

     "No! No, I don't th-think it was really them. I don't know. They messed with my head. None of it was real." He looks at me sympathetically, before grabbing a napkin off of the counter and gently wiping the lone tear that managed to escape from my eyes. Had I really started crying?

     "I'm sorry Midoriya. We're gonna get through this though, okay? If you're not comfortable around them then I'll keep an eye on them for you. If you're with me you will be safe."

     "Thank you. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused."

     "It's really not an issue. Plus, it's not your fault any of this happened so its not even you who should be apologizing, okay?"

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