Ch. 55 - clear

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A/N: In this fanfic Mirio still has his quirk. When he was shot with the anti-quirk bullet it was one of the ones that was only temporary, and he regained it about a week later. That will be somewhat important in the coming chapters.
Have fun reading!

Shinso POV

     The look on Midoriya's face is one I can't quite read, and it makes me panic a little.

     All-Might is supposed to be good, right?  So why does Midoriya look like that?

     "Ah, young Midoriya!" His voice booms clear across the room when he spots him.

     "I'm glad I caught you, we need to have a little talk!" He completely ignores me. Not that I wanted to talk to him anyways, but come on.

     "Oh, okay." Midoriya sounds timid and confused. Wasn't he pretty close to All-Might? Now that I think of it, he didn't seem involved with Midoriya's case at all. Maybe it's because he's retired now?

     "Alone, if that's alright with you. You can take a walk with me, can't you?" His voice booms as he reaches a hand out and pulls Midoriya up from his wheelchair. With his band hand.

     Midoriya stumbles on his feet, letting out a noise of surprise.


     "Unfortunately I'm running a bit short on time at the moment, but you'll accompany me to the main building and we can talk on the way there, sound good?"

     Midoriya looks back towards me with surprise, standing on shaking legs. Is this where I jump in? Does he want me to do something? I'm no match for the symbol of peace but I'll take him on if that's what you need from me.

     I'm about to loose my cool on the former number one hero but Midoriya plasters on a shaky smile in my direction and responds to him.


     That...was not very clear.

     And just like that they're walking out the door- well, Midoriya is doing something closer to stumbling- and I'm left behind as if I didn't exist. All-might didn't seem to notice the red splotchy patches or dried tears coating his face from earlier, or at least didn't acknowledge them. Just like he didn't acknowledge me. You'd think the former number one hero would have better manners, but he did seem to be in a hurry.

     All might just showed up out of nowhere after months of not being here, and then dragged Midoriya away. He's not supposed to be walking very much right now, and I don't want him to get hurt. All-Might probably doesn't know about his physical condition so he could accidentally hurt Midoriya. And he was just rescued yesterday afternoon, he needs time to relax. Plus now we're separated, and what if he panics and I'm not there? I don't even know where he is, and I have no way to contact him. Aizawa told me not to leave his side, this is really bad.

     I pull my phone out of my pocket, struggling to unlock it and open the right app. I click on Aizawa's number and hold the phone up to my ear, listening to it ring.

     "Sensei, there's a problem."


Izuku POV

     "All-Might? Are you alright?" I struggle to keep the shakiness out of my voice. He can't see me being weak. I'm supposed to get stronger.

     "Of course, my boy!" He laughs, puffing out his chest as he continues walking. It's really hard to keep up with him, but one of his hands has moved up to my shoulder and it keeps me from falling behind.

     "We're not going to train right now, are we? Be-because I want too, but recovery girl said I'm not allowed for a few more weeks." I say when he hasn't made an effort to continue speaking.

     "Ah, no. I need to discuss something with you."

     We silently continue our walk while I ponder what he could want to talk about, especially after not seeing him for almost half the school year. My eyes widen in realization.

     "Is it about my quirk? The- the man... Shigaraki tried to bribe me to give it to him but I didn't, I swear!"  I start panicking a little. Am I in trouble? I want to go back to Shinso. He would know what to do. "I kept it safe-"

     "He knows?" All-Might looks at me in alarm.

     "I-I don't know how, I never said anything about it." I defend.

     He heaved a deep sigh, still pulling me towards the main building on campus.

     "It's fine, I believe you. This is sort of what I wanted to talk to you about anyways."

     "Oh. Sorry for freaking out." I apologize, still trying my best to keep my feet under me as we walk.

    "It's alright, my boy."

     We walk in silence for a while, and when we enter the building he immediately finds an empty classroom to talk in.

     He hasn't let go of my shoulder yet so I stand there facing him nervously. I wish I was enthusiastic about seeing my mentor but I'm more worried than anything.

      "Midoriya, my boy, you have been so strong through this all, and you've worked so hard to become the new symbol of peace. Your effort is truly inspiring. Nezu mentioned that you sustained a lot of trauma at the hands of All for one's successor. I should make it known that I left to find you before he mentioned any details so I'm unsure of what this trauma is but you seem to be handling things well!" He praises, sporting a large thumbs up. 

     "This is truly plus ultra behavior, and for that I congratulate you!" His face suddenly turned serious. "But I have become weak, and it has become apparent to me that I cannot properly guide someone with such little experience due to my lack of teaching ability." He continues.

     I look at him curiously. Is he going to introduce me to a new mentor?

     "So much has gone wrong since I've introduced you to my quirk, and I am partly to blame. I should never have put this burden on you, instead I should have passed this power down to someone who already had the experience and who knew what they were getting into. Not to mention, you're months behind on training.  Now that All for One and his successor know that you have my quirk, this is really the only option I have."

     The curious look started to slide off my face.

     "W-what are you saying?" He sighs, rather than answering my question, and transforms into his skinny form.

     "It is for these reasons and for your own safety that I ask you to return One for All to me. I plan to give it to Mirio, he has more experience and his body is strong enough to withstand it as well as take on the league of villains. I truly am sorry, but this is for the best."

1119 words.

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