Ch. 62 - Name

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A/N: Do u guys want more (temporary) angst that will lead to fluff or are u done w the pain and ready for fluff?
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

     Shinso and I are still wrapped in each others arms when Hizashi and Shota bid us goodnight and leave the dorm room, knowing looks in their eyes.

     I feel him shift one arm to hook under my thighs and I let out a small 'oh!' in surprise.

     "Sorry, 'm movin' us to a more comfortable position." He mumbles his explanation as he lifts, turns, and lowers himself back onto the beanbag with me between his legs. He moves his arms again, this time looping one loosely around my waist and situating me so that he's holding me from behind. I'm immensely grateful that my back is against his chest and he can't see the flustered blush settling in on my cheeks.

     "Is your head alright? I saw you hit it on the floor earlier." He asks quietly, lips practically brushing against the shell of my ear.

     "I-I think I'm alright. A little sore, b-but I don't think I hit it hard enough for a concussion or anything."

     "Do you mind if I check it?" His quiet voice reveals concern and I find myself immediately answering.

     "I don't mind."

     His free hand comes up to my head and his fingers slowly thread through my curls. A shiver runs down my spine, and I suppress a shaky exhale. He parts my hair in a few places, lightly massaging my scalp. The sound of the beanbag shifting and temporary absence of his chest against my back tells me he's leant back to get a better view of my head.

     "Here?" He asks, when he gets to a specific spot and my shoulders tense slightly.


     "I'm sorry. Does it hurt?"

     "Not very much. It probably won't even bruise." I say truthfully.

     "Alright." His fingers glide gently over that spot one more time before he pulls away and wraps that arm around my waist as well. His chin rests carefully on my shoulder as he pulls me back against him, and I find myself leaning my head slightly closer to the fluffy purple hair tickling my cheek.

     "So, your mom called earlier?" I ask quietly, remembering how he hung up once Mei started yelling.

     "Mm. They wanted to know if you'd spend some of break with us. Told them I'd ask. I didn't get to tell them I'd be training most of it though."

     "I'd like to see them again, if you don't mind." I say, thinking back to the dinner we had. "You said you'd call them back right before you hung up. Do you still need to?"

     "No, I texted my mom. Speaking of, can I put my number in your phone?" He asks sleepily.

     "O-oh, of course!" I say, maybe a little too excited.

     He holds his hand out in front of me and I set my new phone in his palm. I watch him navigate to messages and add a new contact. Under 'name' he adds Hitoshi, before saving it and sending himself a simple 'hey' with a smiley face. He places the phone back into my hands and I stare down at the screen silently. He... he really put his name down as Hitoshi... a new wave of blush flooded my cheeks. And he used an emoji! Sooo cute!


     "Hmm?" He hums sleepily.

     "N-no, I mean, you put your name in as Hitoshi?"

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