Ch. 42 - Relief

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A/N: so just in case you were confused about how the truth quirk works, here's an explanation.
The little girl had just recently gotten her quirk so it's not very strong and she's not entirely sure how to control it. Sometimes it forcefully makes a person answer a question with the truth, sometimes the person can just not respond, and sometimes it lets the person respond nonverbally as long as it's the truth. There's a lot of variation. As it starts to wear off it gets weaker and sometimes the person can lie. The girl was not trying to use her quirk on him, so it was an accident, but because she was panicking the quirk was very unpredictable and unstable. That's why he has been able to answer in the ways he has thus far. Hope that makes sense.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

Recovery girl threatened to talk to nezu about what Hizashi did but he only laughed at her, saying Nezu would be disappointed he didn't do worse. When Shota heard about it he wanted to expel Monoma (despite not even being his teacher) but no one had any evidence that he did it, so they couldn't punish anyone. Aizawa's reasoning was that Monoma was being mean to me last week and he was obviously out to get me, but none of them knew how right he was because they didn't know about his new quirk.

Hizashi asked me later that day if I saw who did it but I had to lie and say I had no idea. Luckily the truth quirk had started wearing off and let me do so. Monoma came back seething during my last period when I was doing physical therapy, and kicked me to the ground.

"You piece of trash. They think it was me. Now I'm being watched." He sneers, putting one foot on my chest and pressing down. "Do you want me to hand your boyfriend over to the league of villains? All-for-one will probably take his quirk and then kill him. Or maybe they'll decide to do what they did to you. How does that sound?"

"No," I wheeze, clawing at his leg. "No, please. Leave him alone! Please. Don't touch him!" I cry, still struggling and clawing at my chest even as Monoma disappears again.

Shinso is at my side, gently removing my hands from myself and helping me up. I cling onto him, pushing us both back down onto the grass as I press my face into his stomach. I sob hysterically as he puts one hand on my head, rubbing my scalp gently, and one hand on my back, pulling me closer.

After a while I heard rushed footsteps coming in our direction and a familiar voice.

"Is he alright?" Shota asks.

"I think he'll be okay."

"What happened?"

"I don't really know. He was doing fine but then he fell pretty hard and started begging for someone to be left alone. I'm not sure."

Their conversation is muffled by Shinso's jacket and my heartbeat pounding in my eardrums.

Shinso's nails lightly scratch my scalp, and I melt into him easily.

"That's it. You're safe here. Just relax." He soothes.

Over time my sobs dissolve into sniffles, and Shinso stays there quietly comforting me the whole time, laying flat on his back while I cling around his stomach.

A few more pairs of footsteps come towards us, sounding like a whole group of people.

"Are you alright Midoriya?" I identified the voice as Kaminari's. I peek one eye open to look at him and give a small nod, rubbing my cheek against Shinso's jacket. Todoroki, Momo, Uraraka, and Koda were all behind him, looking on edge.

"What happened? Koda said he saw and it looked like someone was attacking you but no one was there." Uraraka asks nervously.

"I just tr-tripped. I'm alright guys." I reassure them.

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