Ch. 39 - Comfy

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A/N: I felt the need to write some cuddles because you guys like them and writing them makes me happy.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

     "Hmm, it shouldn't last more than 24 hours, but my guess is that it'll be gone by the time you wake up tomorrow. If it's still affecting you after class tomorrow come with me after your physical therapy and I'll see if there's anything I can do." Recovery girl assures, before turning to Hizashi. "It seems like he still has the freedom to lie, but not if he's answering a question. I'm not sure if asking him a question forces him to respond, or if when he chooses to respond it automatically comes out as a truth. Oh, and please, try to stay out of trouble." I can tell that the last sentence is directed back at me again as she walks over to her desk.

     "Wait, uhm, I had a question. Why haven't we been spending time on my hand during our physical therapy?" I watch as she turns around to face me.

     I can't read her expression but it doesn't seem like anything good. She sighs, shaking her head.

     "There was so much damage, I'm surprised the doctors managed to get it to look normal again. I don't think you'll be able to fully recover that hand, even if you gain a little control over your fingers over time. Now, if you ask me, that in itself should be enough to move you out of the hero course and into gen Ed or business or something, but your stubborn home room teacher isn't having it."

     A wave of emotions wash over me as I try to process everything she just said. She doesn't think it will recover and wants me to be transferred from the hero course? Shota's defending me though. He won't let me get transferred, will he? Does he even have the authority to prevent it?

     My mouth parts but I don't say anything, and the door to the nurses office is pushed open with a disheveled Shota scanning the room. He seems to visibly relax when he sees I'm okay and closes the door quietly behind him.

     "Can someone explain to me what happened?" He fails to hide the strain in his voice as he rakes a hand through his hair, looking around the room, but no one speaks.

     "Am I going to be kicked out of the hero course?"

     Shota doesn't respond as he turns to Recovery Girl. She raises her hands in defense, shaking her head.

     "I'm just telling him the truth, Shota. I hope you're not putting your feelings before your job." She mumbles the last part, face solemn.

     Shota turns back to me, ignoring her.

     "I'm not going to let that happen." He states, and the words are so absolute that it feels like a declaration.

     "Now, if we're done with that conversation I would like to know what is going on."

     When no one uttered a word I spoke up.

     "Hizashi took Shinso and I to the store for some stuff for our dorm, and when we were leaving a little girl accidentally used her quirk on me so now I can't lie when people ask me questions and we're not sure how long it lasts." I said quickly, picking at the skin on my damaged hand.

     "And why are your knees bandaged?"

     "Uhm, the girl was about to get hit by a car... and I tackled her out of the way but I scraped my knees on the street..." I didn't look at him but I knew he was pinching the bridge of his nose when he sighed. It seemed like I was strong enough to slow down my response but not actually stop or change it. The words sort of forced themselves out of my mouth.

     "And why has he not been healed?" I think that question is directed at recovery girl.

     "It's just a scrape. He should learn that I can't be there to fix everything, and it'll be healed in a few days anyways."

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