Ch. 28 - Papers

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A/N: the chapter starts out a little slow but it gets really good at the end I swear. Can anyone guess what kind of papers the chapter title is referring to?
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

This morning we went to class early like usual, to avoid the crowds of students. Usually Iida was the first one in the room, and he would give a respectful greeting to the two of us before taking out some study material and reviewing before class. This time Uraraka and Todoroki were also here. Besides the talk in the nurses office, we hadn't really interacted all too much since I had resumed classes. It wasn't like I wanted to ignore them, but I just felt really nervous around them. The talk with the detective helped calm my fears, but it was still unsettling seeing the faces of my tormentors and knowing they were just friends.

"Hey, Deku. Todoroki and I realized we haven't really talked to you since the nurses office and we wanted to know if we could eat lunch with you guys today." Uraraka said with a smile.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, that's great." I shot her a shaky thumbs up.

"Awesome!" She jumped, pumping her fist in the air.

Slowly more people started filtering into the room, until Aizawa arrived and everyone sat down.

"Alright. I have everyone's test results from our quiz on safety protocols and evacuation last Tuesday. Shinso and Midoriya, neither of you have taken this test for obvious reasons, so you will take it this period. I don't expect you to know the answers to every question, I just want to see how much you know so I can help you get on track. Everyone else, you will work on revisions to your test or studying if no revisions are needed. This is independent work."

Shinso and I took the test and it wasn't too difficult. A lot of it was common knowledge or process of elimination, so I think I passed, even if it's not a perfect grade. Shinso finished before me and I wondered if he was studying the same stuff the hero course was outside of school just in case he got transferred. Aizawa looked impressed to say the least when he went over Shinso's test.

Soon, a few more periods had passed and it was lunchtime. Iida had decided to join us for lunch so the five of us rearranged some of the desks so we could all sit and eat together. I was really nervous but I wanted to get over my fear of my friends.

We talked quietly as we ate, well, it was mostly Uraraka and Iida, but Todoroki chimed in a few times. At one point Uraraka mentioned that she was happy we had a new friend in our group, referring to Shinso. He seemed taken aback for a moment but he looked really happy. After that he talked a bit more. I think he realized none of us were uncomfortable with his quirk.

He had also just been checking in on me randomly throughout the day to make sure I was comfortable and help me with my subjects if I needed it. It made me secretly really happy that he was giving me so much attention and I wondered if he had remembered how I had embarrassingly admitted last night that I liked him babying me.

About halfway through the period Aizawa walked in.

"Vlad-King just spoke to me about what happened with Monoma yesterday. He's been suspended for a week because apparently this behavior has been going on for a while. Vlad-King threatened expulsion if he ever does anything like that again. If this happens again, not just with Monoma but with anyone, please tell us right away. I'm sorry that happened Midoriya, and I would like to thank you Shinso for what you did. That's all. I'm going to go back to my nap in the teachers lounge if you need me." He said, walking out the door. I almost forgot about that.

As soon as the door shut Uraraka and iida started talking.

"What was he talking about?"

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