Ch. 63 - Watching

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A/N: Anyone have a fave line from this fic so far? Curious if there were any particularly good scenes that I can use to get a better understanding of what u guys like.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

We come across Shota and Hizashi on our way to the main building, and Hizashi immediately starts a conversation.

"I was thinking it would be a good idea for you two to have some fun and be able to hang out with your friends since it's the last week of classes. You might not see them much over the summer if they're busy or traveling."

Hitoshi hummed in response. "I think Uraraka asked Izuku about a sleepover a while ago, with some of his other friends."

I furrowed my brows and turned to face him. "Our friends. She asked us if we wanted to have a sleepover with our friends." I grumbled, giving him a pointed look.

I've been made aware that for a while I was his first and only friend (which was messed up because he was basically forced to babysit me), but now all of my friends like hanging out with him too. They also consider him their friend, and Uraraka did in fact ask both of us. I think sometimes Hitoshi believes they only hang out with him because I'm practically glued to his side, but that's not true. From what I remember, it was always pretty clear when one of them didn't like someone, and Iida especially is really protective over the people he cares about, so if any of them didn't want anything to do with Hitoshi, it would be obvious.

"Right," Hitoshi scratched the back of his head, breaking eye contact with me as an embarrassed blush passed over his face. "Still getting used to that."

"Oh that's great! Why don't you two ask them for a sleepover tonight? You can all sleep in your room in the 1A building for the first time. It would be like a welcome to the dorms party!" Hizashi sounded really excited.

"Just don't stay up too late. It's important that you rest well." Shouta added.

"Usually we're not allowed to have other students in our dorms, especially not the opposite gender?" His statement sounded more like a question as he looked over at Hizashi.

Both teachers looked at each other in what seemed was a silent exchange and I could have sworn I heard a quiet snort leave Shota, but it was gone as fast as it came.

"As your teachers, we give you permission. Just don't go bragging about it." Shota sighed.

"Thank you both." I smiled up at the two of them, excited to hang out with my friends again. I also wanted to stop feeling so cautious around Uraraka and Todoroki. The league probably wanted me to think that my friends all gave up on me and that I had no one left, but I won't give them the satisfaction of tormenting me even when they're not there. I have a lot of friends that support me and care about me, and I don't want to give that up because of some villain organization that tried to manipulate me.

"No problem bud! If you need any help with anything just let us know, I can order takeout for you two and your friends! Oh, and we'll have Shinso's stuff moved into the dorm as soon as classes are done for the day." Shota rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. It's a wonder how he tolerates the man's enthusiasm all the time.

I beamed at them, "Thank you both so much, it means a lot."

"Anything for our kiddo!" Hizashi smiled right back, and I felt myself melt a little. Aizawa reached over slowly and ruffled my hair.

I felt content, surrounded by the people who cared about me and took me for who I am, quirkless and damaged and all.

As we neared the entrance to the main building, a bundle of fluff and watching eyes caught my attention. A few yards in front of my group, peeking out from under the hedges lining the sidewalk, was the head of a cat, green eyes watching me curiously. It's coat was white—surprisingly pristine despite the cat's current location under a bush—but surrounding its eyes and covering its ears it's fur was a light brown.

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