Ch. 70 - Snort

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A/N: please don't mind the chap titles... I never know what to put so I just pick a random word from the chapter and stick it up there. I can't stop now bcs we're 70 chaps in, so bear with me please.

Trigger warning: crying? Feeling guilty for the night before and for being dependent. Starts after the warning (⚠️) and continues for the remainder of the chapter.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

I wake up in the exact position I fell asleep in, face cradled against Hitoshi's chest. The only addition is a small headache. That's what I get for crying last night.

The alarm turns off without Hitoshi moving and I hear a "Good morning, everyone!" From Iida, startling me.

I forgot other people were in the room.

"Good morning." A tired Todoroki responds, and Hitoshi rubs my scalp comfortingly before pulling us both up into a sitting position. I peel my eyes open to a squint and give him a sleepy smile to let him know I'm good.

"Morning, Kero." Tsu says sleepily, and I can hear a shift and a quiet pop as she stretches her arms.

Lastly there's a long yawn, and a "Morning everyone." From Uraraka. I peek around Hitoshi to see her rubbing her eyes as she sits up.

I look away guiltily, remembering how afraid I was of them last night.

"Good morning guys. Thanks for staying over last night." I thank them, leaning into Hitoshi and letting my eyes slip shut.

"Hey, I know if you feel anything like I do right now you probably wanna sleep for a minimum of another 12 hours, but we gotta get up for school." Hitoshi says, but makes no move to shift me or get me up.

"That is... very concerning, Shinso. Are you alright?" Iida questions, sounding disturbed.

"Better than usual, actually." He throws back, earning a quiet snort from Uraraka and a concerned noise from Iida.

"...How do you usually feel then?" It almost seems as though he's scared to ask.

"Oh, you know, like death incarnate." Hitoshi jokes, and I peek at Iida just in time to see him flinch back in horror.

"That is very concerning, do you have a proper sleep schedule? Have you seen a doctor?" Hitoshi seems to think the questions are funny as he starts laughing—his slightly gravelly morning voice turning it into a deep chuckle—and I'm reminded of my knowledge of his insomnia.

"I don't get it. Was there a joke? This is a serious issue." Iida has adopted his chopping hand gesture.

"Don't worry about me," Hitoshi tells him. "I'm fine."

"Wow, Kero. Iida doesn't even sound tired even though he just woke up. How does he do it?" Tsu questioned, and Todoroki added on. "She's right. It's strange how easily you're able to wake up." He has an innocently curious look on his face, tilting his head slightly to the side. His eyes are narrowed to slits and it looks like he's having trouble keeping them open right now, but he looks at Iida with suspicion.

"It's because I take care of myself." He defends, almost sounding offended. "It's really concerning that you're all so tired this morning." He narrows his eyes, giving Uraraka an accusing glance. "What time did you go to sleep last night? I knew the candy was a bad idea."

"You worry too much Iida." Uraraka waves him off. "We were asleep less than an hour after you."

He looks to Todoroki for confirmation, who just nods, standing to stretch.

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