Ch. 37 - Share

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A/N: I figured you guys needed a break from all the angst so here ya go.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

We decided it would be best to come back to UA rather than go to Shota and Hizashi's house, so we're in the car right now on our way back, and I stare quietly at my lap.

"Thank you all for bringing me to my mom's funeral." I mumble.

Hizashi tells me it was no problem and Shota grunts in agreement, while Shinso holds his hand out on the seat between us. I put my injured hand in his and enjoy the small squeeze of reassurance he gives me, even though I can't exactly return it myself.

When we arrive a few minutes later, Shota tells me that I am not allowed outside of UA's gates until further notice, and that I need either Shinso or a pro (but preferably both) with me at all times. That won't be a problem because Shinso isn't really allowed to leave me alone, Shota's orders.

It still feels weird to say their first names, even in my head. I wish Shinso let me call him Hitoshi. I want him to call me Izuku. We're not that close though, because he's just been assigned to keep an eye on me. It's not like this was his choice.

We go to the 1-A dorms so I can drop my stuff off in my room for now, and a few classmates stop us when they see what we're wearing.

Mina and Kaminari pause their game, and Mei Hatsume breaks away from a conversation with Momo- what is Mei even doing here?

They all congregate around me, along with Tsuyu, Sero, and Kirishima, who speaks.

"Hey dude! We're happy to see you here, but what's with the suits?... and the flowers?" He asks, glancing behind me at Shota and Hizashi who brought in the bouquets as well as the food, and then back to what I was wearing.

I can almost feel Shinso about to go protection mode on me and I reach out, tugging lightly on the hem of his shirt. I think he got the memo.

"It was my mother's funeral today." Most of them looked taken aback by the statement, guilt overtaking their faces.

"Oh, I heard about that on the news the other day with iida. I wanted to say something but never got the chance. I'm sorry." Mina explains.

"It's okay, uhm, really. I appreciate your concern, but I'll be alright. I'm lucky that I have a lot of people... supporting me right now." I fight the urge to look behind me at Shota and Hizashi. I'm not sure if they want the class to know that they adopted me. I'm not sure I want them to know that yet. I have no idea what kind of drama that would start.

I hear a chorus of apologies and other comforting words, and it's nice to know that my classmates still support me.

"Hey Deku, I'm not good with this kind of thing but it's great to see that you're back and okay! I actually came here to see for myself if you were alive, you know, after you got kidnapped by a super powerful villain group and stuff, and also because I'm giving you a new baby I'm working on as a welcome back gift- oh and power loader mentioned you had some sort of tech thing on your wrist that I really wanted to see if I could get off, but now doesn't really seem like a good time for that so I'll see you tomorrow or something!" Mei gushes, and I appreciate her attempt at being thoughtful and concerned. I know it was never her strong suit.

"Oh, uhm, that really wasn't necessary, but thank you." I call after her, but she's already out the door.

Not that she's untrustworthy or anything, but I'm not sure I want her touching that band. It was nice to know that she cares, in her own way. I don't think she's ever been great with emotions.

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