Ch. 65 - logical

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A/N: happy new year and as always, have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     From there, morning classes went relatively smoothly. We had a rescue class at ground delta before lunch, which Ectoplasm aided in teaching. Recovery girl was currently on her way over for my PT.

     Hitoshi was going to participate in the activity today, and Shota wanted to be sure that I would be okay alone for my meeting with Hound Dog later. We decided I should do my physical therapy nearby, in an un-occupied section of the grounds, so that Hitoshi and Shota would be close.

     The only issue was in the fact that Ectoplasm didn't recognize me (understandably so, as I hadn't been here for almost the entire second semester), and seeing as I was in a wheelchair, he tried to elect me as the hostage for this activity. Shota had just left to get Recovery Girl for my lesson, so there wasn't a teacher that knew of my situation.

     "M-Me?" I point to myself with my good hand. "Oh, no- I-"

     "You are a student are you not? Seeing as you're handicapped at the moment this is the safest way for you to participate. I don't feel comfortable letting a clearly injured student do mock battles on my watch." He created a clone that began to walk towards Hitoshi and I. "Teenagers these days are always trying to do the most." Ectoplasm grumbled under his breath. "They can't be participating in mock battles when they're injured enough to be in wheelchairs." It was quiet enough that I almost missed it. No, you've got the wrong idea!

"Ectoplasm, sir-"

     "It's nothing to be worried about," the clone said, catching a rope the original tossed to him. "We'll just have you sit in a chair in one of the buildings, and wrap these around you loose enough that you can shimmy out of them if you needed to." He explained, probably to ease my nerves after noticing my expression, but it only made it worse.

     First of all, I wasn't even supposed to be participating, and second of all, did he just say they were gonna tie me to a chair in an empty building? My eyes were glued to the rope in the clone's hands. I vaguely recognized my own hands shaking in my lap.

     "When the rescuer unties you it will count as a rescue. They won't have to move you or anything." Judging by the continuous explanations and reassurances he was giving me I must have looked a little worried, but not nearly as panicked as I actually felt. I know this because I'm confident that if I looked how I felt right now he would immediately call Hound Dog on me. Maybe Recovery Girl too.

     Hitoshi stepped out in front of me "Wait, hold on Sensei." I heard the clone's footsteps stop. Todoroki—my heart jumped for a moment when I saw him—came to silently stand next to Hitoshi as well, practically shielding me from our teacher. "Aizawa-Sensei said he's not allowed to participate in the exercise today. He's going to do physical therapy with Recovery Girl when she gets here." Hitoshi told him.

     "I see. My apologies then. One of my clones will be the hostage instead, to keep the even number." I let a sigh of relief as the clone walked back to the front of the class, noting as Todoroki gave me a glance. I couldn't quite read his face.

     From there I had a few minutes to calm down before Shota and Recovery Girl arrived. After that, PT went relatively well, and I got to take a break to watch Hitoshi on the screen when it was his turn.

     He was chosen to be a 'rescuer', but Shota stepped in and made him switch with another student to be a 'villain'. He explained to Ectoplasm that he'd already seen Hitoshi in that position, and that he wanted to see him in a different roll. I think he also noticed the way that Hitoshi froze for a moment, and didn't want him to have to think about when he rescued me. Hitoshi was thankful, judging my the way he relaxed a little after he was switched. Shota noticed, judging by the watchful eye he kept on him. After coming to know the man much better recently, I wondered if he was feeling regretful for putting Hitoshi through that despite the strictly critical look on his face.

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