Ch. 4 - injuries

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A/N: happy Halloween to anyone who celebrates! I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies that may be in this chapter, I tried my best. If you know something is incorrect and you would like to point it out to myself and other readers, I encourage you to do so!
Have fun reading!

Shinso POV:
     That meeting was the longest hour of my life. The whole time we were there I was thinking about Midoriya and whether or not he would be alive when we got there.

     We're on our way to the league base right now. I want to tear each and every one of them to pieces for hurting him. How could a person willingly do something like that? It makes my blood boil.

     We surround the base as silently as possible, police filling in behind us heroes as backup. All might was at the very front, and when given the signal, blasted a gaping hole in the wall next to the door.

     Immediately there were four low class villains, all of which all might took down before we even got a chance. More villains flooded into the room at the sound of the blast, and me and Aizawa snuck around to the back.

     The other heroes were here to distract the villains and defeat them while we went to find Midoriya.

     There was a back door that was locked, but Aizawa managed to kick it down and we entered. It was a maze of different windowless rooms and hallways lit with bright blueish light bulbs. We ran into a few more villains, each of which were easy to take down or knock out, but none of the rooms so far had any sign of Midoriya. We found a staircase leading down and we took it, coming face to face with a small hallway that had a reinforced door on the end.

     Me and Aizawa exchanged glances and he nodded. I was about to step towards it when I heard several pairs of footsteps running towards us, and multiple villains appeared at the top of the steps. There's a mangled cry coming from the direction of the door.

     "Go get him. I'll take them out." Not needing any more prompting, I ran to the door and flung it open.

     The sight I saw horrified me. Midoriya looked like he was reaching desperately for the door and a man was above him, about to stomp on his arm.

     Out of instinct I shot my capture weapon out to the man and flung him into the wall as hard as I could. His body went limp and I could tell he was out cold.

     "Midoriya?" I ran to his side. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here. You're safe now." I watched as his eyes went in and out of focus, blinking slowly. He looked at the man on the floor and immediately started struggling to get away.

     "It's alright Midoriya, he cant hurt you any more." I reach out to gently touch his shoulder, as it's the only spot I can find right now that doesn't have an injury. He flinches away the second I come into contact with his skin and begins struggling again. He doesn't seem to be going into a panic attack though, so I don't remove my hand. Slowly, I begin moving him into my lap, worried of hurting him further. He's stopped struggling and now he's looking at me through half lidded eyes, although I don't think his eyes have recognized me yet.

     "We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" I take my jacket off and wrap him in it, seeing as it's freezing cold down here and he has no clothing on.

     I stand with him in my arms and quickly leave the room, glancing down at his face and matted green curls.

     Aizawa is waiting for me, looking a bit winded.

     "You got him?"


     "Is he still breathing?" He asks upon seeing his eyes closed and his body limp in my arms.

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