Ch. 76 - Bend

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A/N: again, I'm not a medical professional. I feel like I shouldn't have to write that, because you shouldn't follow things on Wattpad of all places without first confirming with a quick search that it's actually safe, but I'd rather nobody blamed me for getting hurt.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

Both Hitoshi and I were grateful that we had already gotten back to our room and rid the evidence of cats by the time we heard a knock on our door.

Kacchan had sent Kaminari up to our room to tell us to come down for dinner. Apparently Kacchan had cooked for the class tonight and made his friends help him, but Kaminari explained with a mischievous look on his face that he was banned from the kitchen ever since he accidentally caused a power outage and caught the blender on fire in one go.

"No one got hurt." He offered, seeing the shock on my face. I could have sworn I saw Hitoshi trying to hide a laugh.

Sato had made dessert, which I learned he does once a week for the class. This would be the last one for the school year. We all piled onto the couches in the common area, chatting and eating together as a class. It was nice, but I was tired. After dessert, Momo served tea to everyone that wanted it, and we stayed a little longer before excusing ourselves and heading back upstairs when the sun started to set out the window.

When the two of us made it back to our room, we both started to get ready for bed early. After I had changed, we both ended up in the bathroom brushing our teeth together. I wanted to feel comfortable because I was so worn out and sore from the day's activities, so my pajamas consisted of a pair of shorts and my favorite top to sleep in—a short sleeved t-shirt that said 'sleep shirt' on it. Hitoshi never commented on my scars anyways, and he had already seen it all before.

I shifted from foot to foot slowly, leaning some of my weight on the countertop.

"You alright?" Hitoshi asked around his toothbrush, before finishing up.

"Yeah, just kind of sore. I'm dreading how bad I'm going to feel tomorrow."

Hitoshi looked at me in concern.

"Have you stretched?"

"Recovery girl didn't tell me to."

"Izuku," he sounded pained. "That's because it's common sense. When was the last time you stretched after working a muscle?"

I found myself chewing on my bottom lip, unable to answer. A shrug of my shoulders is the best I can give him.

He sighs, but he doesn't seem mad at me.

"Do you want me to help you stretch? You'll feel a lot better tomorrow if you do."

After a moments hesitation I give in to the face he's making and nod my head. "Please." I ask quietly. I feel kind of embarrassed, like when your parent scolds you over a bad habit.

"Alright. I'll give you a massage afterwards too." He gives me a surprisingly charming smile that I can't help but return. "Go wait for me on the bed. I'll be out in a minute."

I hurry out of the bathroom, hesitating for a moment as I decided which bed he had been referring to when he said 'the bed'. Ultimately I decided it wasn't very important and went to sit on my own bed, the only one that was made at the moment. It didn't get any use otherwise. I pulled my feet up and waited, watching the door anxiously. Was this a bad idea? Stretching with Hitoshi... nothing was going to happen, right? Plus I need to take better care of my body so I can get better faster.

The door opened and I jumped.

"Forgot a shirt again. Sorry." He grumbled, stepping out with shorts and slippers, but nothing else. I would have laughed if I wasn't so hyper focused on his upper body.

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