Ch. 58 - audio

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A/N: you all love Aizawa protecting his kid, so that's exactly what I've given you.
Have fun reading!

Aizawa POV

     "You will not set foot in that damn office until I'm done talking to you." I seethe, reaching up to grab his ear and dragging him to the teachers lounge.

     "Hey, wait, whatever this is can't it wait? I scheduled a meeting with Nezu."

     "Cut the bullshit. Do you want to explain to me why my son came to my door bawling his eyes out and why Shinso called me panicked to to say that All-Might took him without his wheelchair and he had no idea where they were?" He looked at me confused.

     "You have a son?"


     "...What? Since when? I mean, congrats, that's great, but what about his mo-"

     "Don't change the subject." how does he not even know that the kids mother died? It was literally the only thing on the news for a week.

     "I'm sor-"

     "Why did my son come to me looking like someone told him everyone he knows and loves was about to die?" I really don't want an apology, I want to get this over with and get back to my kid. And I want to slap this man, but oh well, we can't have it all.


     "I'm not an idiot. I figured out at the beginning of the year that you gave your quirk to him. You're training him to be your successor, is that right?" That sounds believable enough.

     "How did you-"

     "For a while he was registered in the system as quirkless. He said he developed his quirk late but a case of a quirk developing after the age of six has never been recorded, and his power wouldn't have been that strong if it had manifested so recently. That's just not how quirks work." I gave him a pointed glare. "Bakugo wouldn't stop blabbing his mouth about how Izuku should be quirkless, so it was quite obvious that whatever happened wasn't natural. And then there was the fact that his quirk was so similar to yours, and you were always pulling him off during lunch to speak with him privately. Your hours of heroism were getting shorter, and it was apparent you would retire soon. It's obvious you chose Izuku as your successor and gave him your quirk. I don't know how and I don't care. What I need to know is why he came to me crying."

     "Maybe this isn't the best time to-"

     "Answer the damn question unless you're looking forward to spending the next few weeks in a hospital bed." I narrow my eyes.

     "Well, you see..." and then he told me the whole story, from the day he met Izuku to twenty minutes ago. Even from his point of view it sounded bad. 'I spent the summer training him'. Really? You mean to tell me that making him clean up that dump was training? I cannot even comprehend how dangerous that was, with the unstable trash piles, rusty metal, sharp objects, and who knows what else. Early last year they finally put up DANGER, KEEP OUT signs because people were going there to scavenge for spare parts and getting injured. I might have shivered at the thought if it weren't for the rage building up.

The intention behind cleaning the beach may have been nice, but that kind of work should be left to a professional with proper equipment. Could he not even teach any combat training or anything? And then he had the audacity to give the poor kid the quirk on the same morning as the entrance exams? I get that he needed to wait so the quirk wouldn't explode his body—which by the way is another red flag—but seriously? The same morning? Did he think the scrawny kid with no fighting experience would pass the biased UA entrance exam without using it? Or did he just cross his fingers and hope that the kid didn't blow up?

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