Ch. 52 - breathing

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A/N: here's some drama for you all. I meant to post this morning but I got distracted sorry.

Trigger warning:
Slight gore, violence, and torture after the trigger warning (⚠️) in this chapter. It's nothing too terrible, but nonetheless if it makes you uncomfortable you can skip. If requested I can put a recap at the beginning of next chapter.
Have fun reading!

Shinso POV

I was trying not to freak out. It was just a noise complaint right? So even if it wasn't the girl from this case it probably wasn't anything serious. I felt very uneasy though. It was stupid of me to think that it might have been Midoriya, and I got everyone's hopes up for nothing the first time. Present Mic probably feels horrible right now. Aizawa too, even though he doesn't like to show it. He's not as good at hiding it as he thinks, muttering under his breath with rushed movements and alert eyes.

As we get closer to the block we were initially on, the streets become more and more empty and the people keep to themselves once again.

This will probably be the type of place I patrol when I go pro. Plenty of crime, especially at night, but not a lot of civilians around. That means it's easier to keep my quirk a secret.

Aizawa has started ducking inside buildings, and I do the same. I peek my head into another warehouse through a broken window and- holy shit.

"Listen, I'm being nice. Isn't it like a heroes duty to save people or some shit? So hand it over, or I'll get rid of the boy. Those two pro heroes you've been hanging around will be next."

Aizawa rushes to my side when he hears the voice.

"The choice should be obvious, but all I need is a yes or no. It's your decision."

My eyes are fixed on Midoriya, slumped over and tied to a chair as that man talked to him. Aizawa scans the building.

It's him! He's here! My brain yells at me.

My feet take me a step closer, but Aizawa puts an arm out in front of me, not pausing his searching as he silently shakes his head. He looks angry, but I don't think it's directed at me.

Right, we have to be logical about this. No rushing in. But my heart is pounding in my chest and I've just remembered how to breathe.

"I don't have all day, brat. And my patience is running thin." Shigaraki complains, stomping his foot childishly. Aizawa narrows his eyes at the man and I see him clench his fist out of the corner of my eye.

(⚠️trigger warning start⚠️)

"P-please don-" midoriya cuts himself off as he freezes in his chair, suddenly tense and shaking. Small, white hot lightening seemingly dances across his skin. I take a step forward again in alarm. What's happening? I need to help him. He's hurting so much. He's probably so scared. I let this happen in the first place, I need to get him out. Please. They're hurting him. But Aizawa stops me again, this time shooting me a warning glare.

Midoriya finally seems to go limp, slumping further into his chair as he lets his head loll back and breathes painfully. A small trickle of blood slips from the corner of his mouth and he hiccups weakly when he takes too large a breath. Sunlight comming in through one of the windows reflects off of the tears rolling down his face.

"I need a yes or no. Begging isn't going to help you here, and I'm done waiting for an answer." He slips a small black remote that I didn't notice before into his hoodie pocket and pulls out his phone. "Give me your answer or I'll give Dabi the order to go kill the boy."

"No, you... you can't." Midoriya whispers hoarsely, fear coating his words.

"Who do you think I am? I'm the one who gave the order to kill your mother. I have no issues doing it again." This only makes Midoriya cry harder. I need to do something.

"I'm going in to take down shigaraki. I've called for backup, because they have new cameras in here. There are probably people watching to make sure nothing goes wrong. Once I've taken him down, I just need you to focus on getting Izuku out." Aizawa whispers so quietly I almost can't make it out. I nod in response and it's only a few more moments before he makes his move.

He swings in through the window with his capture weapon, activating his quirk as he barrels towards shigaraki. It's similar to his move from just an hour ago.

"Shota?" I just barely make out, coming from Midoriya who is still having trouble lifting his head.

Shigaraki doesn't have much time to react as Aizawa aggressively tackles him, but he pulls the small device out of his pocket before Aizawa is able to restrain his arms.

"Get off me or your student gets it." He rasps out, glaring at Aizawa, who begrudgingly let him go, standing back a few steps. "Turn your stupid quirk off too. It's annoying." Aizawa listens. No. I need to do something. I won't stand here uselessly this time.

"Hey!" I yell.

"Great, another bra-" I activate my quirk and his eyes glaze over. I want to beat that man into a pulp but Midoriya is more important right now and I can tell by the way Aizawa is fuming that he'll be doing enough beating for the both of us.

He wastes no time grabbing the device from shigaraki's hand, while I hop over the windowsill and run to Midoriya. He wraps shigaraki in his capture weapon and lobs a fist at his face, successfully breaking the man out of the trance of my quirk.

"Don't touch my goddamn kid." He warns, punching him again. Now shigaraki's nose is bleeding as he glares at my teacher.

Aizawa tosses me a pocket knife while keeping his attention on shigaraki and I immediately start cutting Midoriya's restraints. His eyes are unfocused and he flinches when I accidentally brush against his leg. He looks down though and we lock eyes as I cut free one of his legs.

"Shinso!" He begins frantically pulling on his restraints, looking at me pleadingly with wide eyes.

"I'm here. Let me get you out of these ropes, okay?" I hurry up to release his other leg and I'm about to start on his wrists when I hear a commotion, and look towards one end of the room. A purple portal has opened up and about a dozen villains enter the room. Monoma is one of them.

"Shinso, get back." Aizawa warns, but instead I step in front of Midoriya. I won't let him get hurt again.

Most of the villains begin attacking Aizawa and he doesn't look like he's going to last long. the girl who took Midoriya from the cafeteria runs up to me with a bloody knife.

"Oh, you're here! Yay!" She giggles. "I told Izu-Kun that I would make you watch as I stabbed him and he bled out. Now that you're here I can actually do it!" My stomach churns at the image she's paining in my head.

"Don't touch him." I warn, barely blocking a swing with the tiny pocket knife I was given.

She doesn't respond, instead swinging her knife wildly without giving me much time to dodge. Her knife rips my shirt sleeve and my breath catches in my throat. In that moment I'm caught off guard and she takes the opportunity to jump on me, knocking the knife out of my hand. We both tumble to the floor and she ends up on top of me, pinning me down. She's not very heavy but all of my training seems to fly out the window when I start panicking, and with the way she's pinning me down, I can't seem to throw her off.

"Hey Izu-kun! I know I said I wouldn't make you watch, but now that I'm thinking about it, I really wanna see the look in your eyes when he stops breathing." Holy shit she's fucking crazy. Her hands tightened, nails digging into my wrist as she giggled at Midoriya. So this is how it ends.

"No, please don't hurt him, leave him alone! I'll do anything, do-don't touch him, I can't lose him." Midoriya begs with a strained voice, hysterical. He's still struggling in his restraints, and I lock eyes with him as Toga raises her knife above her head.

(⚠️trigger warning end⚠️)

1375 words.

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