Ch. 20 - Baggage

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A/N: here ya go.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

Shinso helped me move over to the couch and we sat next to eachother, listening to music through his earbuds. He had an arm around my shoulder as I leaned into his side.

I had tried to apologize a moment ago for freaking out but he wouldn't let me, saying it wasn't my fault and to relax.

After a few minutes with just eachother and the music, Shinso spoke up.

"Do you think you're going to be able to tell the detective what happened?" Hesitantly, I responded.

"Yeah." He shifted to face me.

"You know, I can leave the room if you want."

"NO! No. I want you here. Unless you don't want to, you don't have to stay, I just-"

"It's alright, I don't mind." My face was flaming red as he rubbed my arm comfortingly, and I realized how much I've come to depend on him.

"Thank you. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel strangely safe around you. Sorry if that's weird." I avoid his gaze. Why would I say that out loud?

"Oh, ah, it's fine. I'm uh, glad that I can help?" His cheeks turn pink and he looks away. Without even thinking I chuckle at his reaction, and his head whips around to face me, even more red than before. Slowly a smile breaks out on his face and it's my turn to turn away blushing.

How is he so charming?

We both sit there in awkward silence for the next few minutes, and I can't seem to focus on the music.

Where did these feelings come from? This is seriously getting out of hand.

There's a small knock on the door before Nezu walks in, the detective and Aizawa trailing in behind him.

"I have to leave in a few minutes because first period is about to start, but you two are excused from morning classes. We're just doing review in core classes again." Aizawa drones, both me and Shinso nodding.

The detective takes his recorder out again and turns it on.

"I've asked all the questions I need to, all I have left before we can move on to your mother's case is for you to retell the events."


I looked around the room, starting at Shinso who had prevented me from panicking on about four different occasions throughout the hour that I talked. He looked queasy, and a little angry?

The detective looked like he was trying really hard to keep a neutral expression on his face. I'm sure he's heard similar stories before.

Nezu had a grave look, and I could feel my hands shaking, but overall I think the whole thing went better than expected.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Midoriya. I understand it must have been uncomfortable to relive those memories, and I assure you that those villains will be locked away for a long time. I would also like to mention that those friends that you thought you saw there, were most likely not real. We're not entirely sure how it works yet, but the girl, Toga, has some sort of transformation type quirk. We also captured a man who could potentially create a copy of another person, though we don't know the specifics of his quirk either. We will look further into it but I don't think you have to worry about your friends."

I took a shaky breath in and then a long exhale, leaning back into the couch. They know everything now. I probably just ruined the minuscule chance I had with Shinso. Woah, since when did I want to date him?

Whatever. It's not like it would work out because I have too much emotional baggage or something.

"Do you think we can discuss your mother's death or would you prefer I come back tomorrow?" Oh. How could I forget?

"What is there to speak about?"

"Well, for starters, we have reason to believe that it was done on purpose. Do you know anyone, or groups of people, that might have wanted her dead for any reason?" I look at him in confusion.

Why would anyone want my mother dead? Tears appear in my eyes at the thought.

"No. Sh-she was always very kind, a-and always helping people around... around the neighborhood." I sniffled a bit and Nezu waddled over quietly, handing me a tissue.

"Why did she have to leave me?" I rapidly blink back tears, looking at the ceiling in an attempt to stop them from flowing. "She didn't deserve it. She never did anything wrong. Why did it happen?"

"We believe that it may have been done by someone affiliated with the league in an attempt to hurt you, but we don't have any evidence yet." I vaguely noticed Aizawa enter the room with a few bento boxes balanced on one hand, a coffee in the other.

"Well it worked... They did a great job. I mean look at me now, is this what they wanted?" I reel myself back before I end up snapping at the man. "S-sorry." Aizawa silently set two of the bento boxes down on the table in front of me and Shinso, sitting in a chair against the wall opposite from us.

"It's quite alright. This is a normal emotional response to what's going on. We're almost done, but I think you should take a break and eat something. A lot has happened today."

It was strangely quiet as everyone in the room was eating. Shinso, Aizawa and I were eating from the bento boxes that Aizawa brought from lunch rush, and Midnight had stopped by to drop off sandwiches for detective Tsukauchi and Nezu.

I finished first, not being able to eat all the food in the box. I caught Aizawa looking at my unfinished food warily and I sighed to myself. He's probably thinking about how I'm not eating enough or something like that. Just like my mom.

Shinso ate slowly, as if trying to delay the conversation. He probably was. On second thought, everyone in the room seems to be eating slowly. I let my mind wander, but soon find that's not a good idea when I hear what my brain has to say about it.

It was my fault. They were targeting her to hurt me. She walked across that street because she was coming to see me.

Once they all finally finished, the detective gave me a nervous smile, probably meant to be reassuring. It was not.

"So, I couldn't seem to find your fathers information in any of your school files, but we need to speak to him about having full legal guardianship, as well as filling his information into the database. Do you have his number, or some other contact information?" He asks.

"That man left my mom when she found out she was pregnant, he wanted nothing to do with me. I don't even know his name, and my mother refused to speak about him. She only ever said something about him running off to America and how he was a piece of garbage. If you can even find the man he wouldn't want me and I don't want to be anywhere near him." I'm not sure if I'm angry or exceedingly upset. My mother hasn't said much about that man but she hates him and that's enough for me to not want to speak about him.

The detective looks at me silently, before nodding and putting something down in his notebook.

"Is there anyone else we can contact? Grandparents or an aunt or uncle perhaps?"

"My mom didn't have any siblings and her parents died a few years ago. I never got to meet them."

The detective draws his brows together.

"Are you sure there's no one we can contact? No extended family or friends of your mother who would be willing to take you in?" I shake my head no.

"Alright. This means you'll be going into the system, since you're still a minor."

1335 words.

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