Ch. 86 - Headache

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A/N: it's crazy that almost 200 of you are all caught up to the previous chapter. Like... you read the whole thing, including the terrible beginning chapters, and you're still here? Some days I'm going through previous chapters to remind myself of certain events and I'm thinking 'wow that was horrendous, at least I'm not that bad anymore' and other times it's 'wow my writing hasn't improved at all' haha, I appreciate you guys and your dedication though.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     I'm confident that Hitoshi has fallen asleep several minutes after his ministrations with my hair slow to a stop, when he shifts closer to hold me gently. I open my eyes curiously as his forehead rests against my own, and it's my turn to rub his shoulder soothingly up and down while I monitor him. His lips part slightly, occasionally moving just a little as if he's mumbling, but I never actually hear anything. I've never known him to be a sleep talker.

     When he takes a sharp intake of breath and his muscles all tense, my eyes can't close fast enough. I try to keep my breathing steady in case he's woken, and when I feel the trembles, hear the little sharp breaths in, shaky breaths out, trying to be quiet, I almost cave and open my eyes.

     "Izuku," it's whispered so quiet, so breathy and wet at the same time. It hurts. I know it's not meant for me to hear.

     "I'm- I'm not..." there's a little shift, but his forehead stays against mine and I think he's wiping his eyes. "How could I?" He sniffles quietly.

     I can't take it anymore.

     "Hitoshi?" I murmur, peeling my eyes open slowly to see drowning lilac and scrunched features. It's a tortured look.

     "Oh," he breathes out, sliding his face away from mine on the pillow we share.

     "Sorry," he swallows. "It was the quirk dream, I'm okay. Please, go back to sleep."

     "Do... do you wanna talk about it?"

     "Ah, no, it's alright. Just go to sleep. I just," he wipes his tear stained face, "It wasn't expected, but I promise I'm okay. I'll be back asleep in a few minutes." He murmurs back to me, words hardly audible.

     "Okay. Just tell me if you change your mind. I'll get some sleep. Please, try to get some too."

     "Yeah, I will."

     Despite my words, we both just continue to stare at each other. After a few moments of consideration, I shift my head forward to close the gap that he previously made between us, pressing my forehead gently against his. The pillow where my cheek lays is damp with his tears, and I close my eyes, resuming my absentminded rubbing along his arm.

     He sniffles quietly, and I can feel his little trembles through his forehead. That's... twice in the last few hours, I realize belatedly. I don't want to see him cry anymore, but I can't even do anything about it.


     When I wake, my mind drowns out the sound of the alarm in a panic. My first concern is that I fell asleep first, that I wasn't able to stay awake to monitor Hitoshi or be sure that he was able to fall back asleep. My second concern is that I'm substantially less warm than I should be upon waking up. I see Hitoshi's bare shoulders and soft, messy, purple hair as he turns the alarm off.

     I don't see his face, nor do I feel his strong safe arms or heavy legs or warm chest. There's not even the feeling you get when something was touching you but no longer is.

     He slept with his back to me.

     I'm sure a hurt look graces my features while a strange feeling grows in my chest.

     "Hitoshi?" I ask, but don't wait for an answer, suddenly fearing I won't get one. "Good morning."

     "Hmm?" He then groans, the sound raspy as he slowly sits up, facing halfway towards me. "Morning." He brings a hand to his face, covering his eyes and pushing at either temple with his thumb and middle finger.

     My lip finds its way in between my teeth as I worry. "Headache?" I ask quietly, softly.

     "Yeah," he responds, dropping his hand and standing. He wobbles just a little. "A little coffee and I'll be good."

     "You're probably dehydrated. From last night. It happens." He looks at me briefly, then turns his head away. It's a shameful, guilty move, but nothing like the raw pain from last night. How could I have fallen asleep after that?

     "It's fine, I can barely feel it." He moves towards the desks. "Coffee's got water, I'll be fine."

     "Caffeine is dehydrating. Drink some water first? Please?"

     He looks back at me again, and my suggestion does not seem to make him happy. In fact it seems to ask 'do you think I can survive without my morning coffee?'. The slight redness to his eyes and surrounding puffiness don't help the look.

     "Go drink some water and then you can have your coffee. As long as you promise to bring a bottle of water with us and drink it too." I'm sitting up fully now, ready to get up and usher him away from his coffee machine even in my groggy state, if I need to.

     He turns away without complaint though, dragging his feet to grab his coffee mug and fill it with water. He really looks like he had a bad night.

     I go to dress first as usual, brushing my teeth and hesitating with my tie. I tie it myself, trying my best to remember what Hitoshi taught me.

     When I reenter our room Hitoshi goes to take my place in the bathroom and I stop him. He's really not looking too good. "Did you finish it?" I gesture to his mug.

     He grabs it with a huff and downs whatever was left. "Yeah." His voice is still off. I hope he's not getting sick.

     "Good. I'll make your coffee while you change, and if you don't have one I'll let you borrow my water bottle today."

     "Thanks. I can do it myself." He offers half-heartedly.

     "Go get changed." I nudge him towards the bathroom, taking the empty mug from his hands.

     I don't like this. I almost wish he was physically sick instead of whatever is happening because at least then he could have an excuse to stay in bed and rest. I would have an excuse to make him go back to bed.

     I turn to the coffee machine, putting in the pod and following the motions that Hitoshi does every morning, barely noticing the burn of a tear on my lip when I bite the skin a little too hard and rip a little off. I pay no mind to the slight tang of iron that seeps into my mouth, hardly enough to even notice.

     Needing to busy myself as it pours, I go look for my water bottle, taking the chance to sit on the floor while I search under the other bed.

     When Hitoshi leaves the bathroom some of the hair around his hairline is damp and water drips from his chin, onto his school uniform. I'm distracted by the dark circles that accompany his red eyes, looking worse than usual against his pale complexion. They almost look clearer now that he's rinsed his face.

     Maybe it's because he hasn't had his coffee yet? I bite my lip, holding back a hiss at the unexpected sting and letting it go. I tilted my head down slightly, suddenly self conscious and not wanting Hitoshi to see the mess I must've made of my lip. He'll only worry more.

     "Coffee?" I offer his steaming mug to him and he takes it gratefully, exhaustion lacing his voice with his next words.

     "Thank you."

1228 words.

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