Ch. 46 - Fix

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A/N: let's see what's happening on Midoriya's end.

Trigger warning:
Kidnapping, slight torture, slight gore, and panic attacks. They last the entirety of the chapter so there will be no warnings (⚠️) throughout it. Proceed at your own risk and don't be afraid to stop if it's too much. I can give a summary at the beginning of the next chapter if anyone asks for it. (this applies to any chapter with a trigger warning so don't be afraid to ask!)
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

I gasp for air as I lift my head up, preparing to run now that I no longer feel any hands on me. The cement floor I'm sprawled across is covered in dirt and broken glass, but I'm too high on adrenaline to be able to tell if I've been cut anywhere.

There are large windows, the frames no longer holding any glass, and a bunch of decaying cardboard boxes with some cargo bins scattered around. There's plenty of light coming in through the broken windows, which makes sense considering it's midday, and it illuminates the dust particles floating around the decrepit room.

I take in another deep breath as I heave myself to my feet and stagger forwards. I have to go, I have to get back, where's Shinso, I need to find him-

Scuffed red shoes and black pants appear in my line of vision, and I follow them up to see a face I've tried so hard to push out of my mind.

No, it's not him, I'm making it up, I need to find Shinso, he can make it go away.

I turn to my left clumsily and start walking when I see a pair of doors. That must be an exit. I have to get back. I have to figure out where I am and get back to UA. Shinso will be there.

My vision is slightly blurred and I keep seeing doubles, my head might have hit the concrete when I fell through the portal.

I don't notice when Monoma steps in front of me, but I do when he sends me backwards with a push. I tumble to the floor, landing hard on my tailbone. I feel like I've been shoved into reality.

Monoma is here. Monoma is with the league of villains. I saw Shigaraki. Toga grabbed me. No, no nonono-

"I got him~! Just like you asked! And the whole school saw it too, his friends looked so scared! The one with the purple hair looked especially scared, the look on his face was beautiful when he realized he couldn't save his boyfriend." She sighed, humming happily. "I told Izu-kun I wouldn't do anything to him but I almost want to take him too to see the expression on his face when I stab Izu-kun! I wonder if he would enjoy looking at the blood as much as I would!" Toga came to stand next to Monoma, shrugging on her cardigan before moving on to her shoes.

I backed myself up into a box as I shook my head, muttering under my breath.

"No, this isn't happening, it's not real, be rational, I just need to find Shinso, he'll know what to do-"

"I can assure you, this is very real." Shigaraki came over to me and squatted down so we were eye level.

Immediately, I swung my arm out and scratched him across the face. I snatched my arm back when I had realized what I did. He glared at me for a moment but I couldn't see what he looked like after that because white hot pain spread up my arm and through my body in an instant, and I couldn't breathe, couldn't see, couldn't move any of my limbs because every muscle in my body was tensed and on fire at the same time.

When it ended I was left gasping and limp on the floor again, with tears freely falling from my eyes. When I dared to look at him a second time I was greeted with a remote in his hand. He was still glaring at me.

"Is that any way to greet an old acquaintance?" The man sneered. Someone must have handed him a tissue, which he used to wipe a small bead of blood that had appeared over a red line where I scratched him.

I shakily reached up to hug myself, squeezing my eyes shut. Every part of my body felt sore and I kept twitching.

"Pl-please just let me go home." I whisper, clutching my t-shirt.

"Hmm, I can't do that, you see, last time we were together you failed to mention a very important little detail. You never told me you had All-Might's power within you. Why is that?" He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up with a gloved hand. I fell into a coughing fit, struggling to breathe around his fingers.

He held me there for a while, but when I didn't respond he let go, dropping me back to the ground.

"Oh well, it's in the past. I'll let it go if you accept my trade request." Monoma and Dabi lift me up by my arms and drop me onto a chair, and one of them ties me to it. I struggle weakly, still in pain from the shock delivered by the band on my wrist.

"I heard you're still having trouble with your hand." My movement stills immediately and my head shoots up to look at him. "You can't really be a hero if you've lost use of your entire hand. I mean, come on, let's be honest here. Your body has to be in perfect condition for you to become a hero. That's just how it is." He pauses, lifting a hand from his face and grinning with a crazed look in his eyes.

"What if I told you I could fix it?" My breath hitches for a moment as thoughts run through my mind at a hundred miles per hour. Fix it? I can properly use my hand again? Recovery girl's words echo through my head again. She wanted to kick me out of the hero course because of my hand.

But you're talking to a villain.

"L-liar! You can't!" I regret yelling when he pulls out the remote again and the pain that's a hundred times worse than Kaminari's quirk runs through me.

When it's over my head lulls back against the chair and my neck strains with the struggle to lift it. Every movement feels like a pain, even without the ropes binding me to this chair. I think Monoma is laughing.

"Don't talk back to me." He whines.

"You shouldn't underestimate the boss. He is more capable than you think." An oddly mature and refined voice speaks up, and a man made of mist- or is it smoke?- appears next to shigaraki. His footsteps make no noise.

"As I was saying, I know how to fix your hand. If you give me All-Might's quirk I'll fix your hand for you and have you safely dropped off back at your little hero school. We'll never lay a finger on you again. All we need is the quirk." When I only cry harder, he tries again.

"Listen, brat. You could still become a hero quirkless if that's what you really wanted. You either give it to us and go on your little happy hero filled life, never to hear from us again, or it's game over for you and your little... hero crush." He glances back at Toga who smiles psychotically.

"Ooh, whenever boss says game over it means we get to kill people! Don't worry, Izu-Chan, I'll kill you before I kill your boyfriend so you don't have to watch!" She giggles.

"I... I don't... have a boyf-boyfriend. Or a... crush." I choke out between sobs. Please, please don't hurt Shinso. "Leave him alone, you- you have me already."

"Alright fine, you don't like him. We don't care. He dies either way, unless you give us the quirk." No, I can't, I don't know, Shinso is the most important-

I can't breathe, and I can't think properly either. Shinso isn't here, he can't fix anything. I need him, I promised he wouldn't get hurt. I can't break my promise. I can't let anything happen to him. Why can't it just be me?

I hear talking but I can't make out any of the words and it just sounds like they're yelling at me which makes everything worse. Someone touches my shoulder and I yelp, throwing my body weight in what I hope is the opposite direction of whoever touched me.

It causes my chair to tip over and my panic increases as I fall sideways, struggling to free myself from the ropes. When I land my head hits the ground and I hear the sound of my skull hitting the concrete before I black out.

1413 words.

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