Ch. 43 - Boyfriend

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A/N: Writers block is the worst. Here you go.
Have fun reading!

Shinso POV

Shit. fuck. Fucking damnit, crap. Stop. Begone feelings, go away. I banish thee or whatever the fuck. Stupid gay thoughts. Now is not the time. Actually, it's never the time.

     This is not a fanfic, and if it was, I would be neither the love interest nor the main character. Midoriya might be the main, considering he's got the trauma for it, but the love interest would be the strongest in the class or something, like Bakugo, Todoroki, or Iida. I fit absolutely none of the criteria, and even if I did, this isn't a fanfic.

     I take a deep breath to calm my panic and resume lightly scratching Midoriya's head.

     "I'm just so happy you're here." He whispers, and I can tell he's doing everything he can to stop from crying again. We've been like this for about 15 minutes now.

     "Uh huh," I hum nervously. "It's alright, let it out. You'll feel better."

     "That's it." I encourage as a broken sob comes through.

     "I'm sor-sorry." He cries.

     "Hey, none of that. Do you remember what I said about saying sorry?" Am I doing this right? Please tell me I'm doing this right.

     "To not... to not do it." He sniffles.

     "That's right." I hope he can't feel my heart beating at a thousand miles per hour against his chest right now.

     Be cool, Hitoshi. Be cool.

     But he's clutching onto me like he needs me, like he depends on me, and fuck does it feel good. It feels so good to be needed like this, to have that reassurance that I matter so much to someone. It means I'm doing something right.

     Eventually, once my cheeks are less flushed and I'm sure I'm not going to cry myself, I roll off of him, keeping one hand under his back.

     To my surprise he speaks up.

     "We need to go to Nezu." I sit up in surprise but he pulls me back down and throws an arm over me. "Not yet."

     "Okay... is it about what we were talking about yesterday?" I ask. I think whatever his dream was about is linked to yesterday's conversation and the incident during his physical therapy. There had to have been some outside force involved.

     "Yeah. N-Nezu can help us though." He sounds unsure.

     "Alright. Just let me know when you're ready."

     Spoiler, he didn't move from his position curled into my side until nearly an hour later when my alarm went off. He had resumed repeating how glad he was that I was okay as well, and I had stoped responding, seeing as my words did nothing.

     I can't help but entertain the thought that maybe someday we'll both be laying like this, and he'll be cuddled up next to me not because he had a nightmare and I was the first person within reach, but because he's my boyfriend, and he genuinely enjoys being near me like this. Maybe that's not too much to ask.

     I've learned that life isn't always kind to people like me, and if I want something, I have to go get it myself. Okay shinso, you got this. Maybe wait a couple months though, so you don't do something stupid and ruin your chances while he's still recovering.

     We both got ready for the day, and he looked a little better than usual as he led us to the principles office.

     I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I promise I'll keep you safe, Midoriya.

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