Ch. 61 - Upset

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A/N: it's time for an important talk at the conclusion of a very hard day for Izuku, and he realizes he's underestimated how much the people close to him care about him.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

     After we had said our goodbyes and endless thanks to Mei and Power Loader, and given Yuwai-Chan back to Koda, the four of us headed back to the dorms.

     "Oh, before I forget again, here, Izuku." Hizashi pulls a phone out of his back pocket, handing it to me. "I meant to give it to you this morning but with everything that happened I guess I forgot." My eyes widen in surprise. Obviously it wasn't something I could refuse regardless of how much it costed, and to be honest I really needed a way to contact people.

     "Thank you, so much." I carefully take it into my hands, hoping it wasn't too expensive. It looks like a much newer model of my old phone that was lost.

     "It's already got Shota and I's contacts in it. Recovery girl and hound dog too. You're welcome to add whatever you want to it, it's all yours. We'll go shopping for a case later. Oh, and I talked to Nezu recently. Your phone has been connected to the school Wi-Fi before, so he was actually able to recover a bunch of files on your old phone and said he could transfer them to this one if you wanted. You know, like pictures and stuff."

     "Uhhh, that's not usually something you can do through Wi-Fi." Shinso pointed out, looking confused and a little intimidated.

     Hizashi adopted a far away look onto his face. "We've learned not to question the things he can do." Shots nodded solemnly and Shinso and I exchanged glances, dropping the topic.

     When we got to the entrance of the student dorms, Aizawa pulled me aside for a moment, telling the other two he needed to talk to me privately.

     "Hey kid." He sighs. "Today's been pretty eventful, hasn't it." His voice is heavy and tired. Somehow, I know he's sharing my stress. I nod, thinking back on previous events and deflating a little. "Don't worry, we'll get it all sorted out. I know you don't want to expose All-Might's secrets but I think it would be good for Hizashi and Shinso to know what happened. Like me, they can help you through this, and the guilt of keeping it from them is only going to hurt you. It's not good for your mental health."

     "What about everyone else? What do I tell them when they see I can't use my quirk?"

     "We'll tell them that the prolonged use of the band caused permanent damage to your quirk to the point that we think it erased most of the quirk cells in your body. We don't think it will be able to recover." I stare up at him in surprise. That's... actually really smart. "If they're still being nosy, like kids your age always are, we're sending the band out to be studied by professionals right now but don't yet fully understand it's effects or how this happened to you. Beyond that is none of their business, and classified information." Did he make this up on the spot?

     "I've worked undercover before. This type of skill is required." He deadpans, likely recognizing the look on my face.

     I wanted to comment and ask questions but now probably isn't the time. Maybe some other time I could ask about it.

     "Okay, I think I can do that." I replay his response in my head. "The band permanently affected my quirk by suppressing the quirk cells over a long period of time, which lead to their dying off, and we don't think I'll ever be able to use it again. If they keep prying then we say that the band is being examined at the moment but we don't completely know how it works yet. Everything else is classified. Right?" I find myself analyzing it in my head but I can't find any flaws that might reveal my secret or cause suspicion. It seems reasonable.

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