Ch. 30 - Paycheck

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A/N: wow, this is about where my last book ended, and in this one the main relationship has barely even developed.
Have fun reading!

Izuku POV

     The next morning Aizawa texted Shinso to get me to the teachers lounge before classes, and when we got there he immediately went towards his cup and the coffee machine. Shinso looked so content with his hands around a hot cup of coffee, staring into space.

     Present mic arrived before Aizawa did, and he came in with a huge smile.

     "Hey Midoriya. How are you feeling this morning?" His question caught me off guard.

     "Alright, I guess. You and Aizawa can call me Izuku, if you want." I say, just as Aizawa walks in.

     They both nod, mic thanking me.

     "So your mother's funeral is this weekend and I was thinking we could stop by your old house afterwards to pick up anything you might want. Also to, you know, see it one last time. Her uh, her will states that everything goes to you."

     "Shota!" Mic hisses under his breath. "I thought we were going to ease into it!" I'm not really listening though, I tuned out of the conversation at the word funeral.

     I forgot there would be one. My eyes tear up thinking about her face. Last night I had another nightmare but I was watching her get tortured by the league of villains instead of me. She was all bloody and beat up, and it was terrifying. I wondered if that was what I looked like to Shinso when he saved me. Thankfully I wasn't loud enough to wake him up this time. He needs all the sleep he can get and my nightmares are not helping him.

     Mom would want me to be strong. She let me apply for the Hero course at UA even though she was scared I might get hurt, and I'm not about to let her down. But crying a little is only normal, right? It hurts so much, I don't know how anyone wouldn't cry.

     "Hey little listener, we're here for you." Mic is kneeling in front of me. "Just remember, heroes are allowed to cry too. It's totally okay." The tears pooling in my eyes finally fall and I cry silently. I miss mom so much. She always made me feel better when I cried.

     Shinso kneels next to him and pulls me off the wheelchair and into a hug. His arms encase my body securely and one hand rubs my back comfortingly. My face is pressed into his shoulder as I reciprocate the hug, wrapping my own arms loosely around his neck.

     I sit there, trying to pull myself together, knowing that soon class will start. I just want to stay here. Maybe if I memorize how it feels I can pretend I'm back in this moment while in class.

     I finally pull away sniffling and Aizawa unexpectedly provides a tissue, along with a quiet apology. Once I've pulled myself together a bit and told him not to worry, I take a deep breath, wiping my eyes and straightening myself out. Shinso helps me back into my wheelchair even though I told him I was okay by myself, and things suddenly become awkward. They just watched me practically cry my eyes out, are we supposed to pretend nothing happened or...?

     "How would you like to see your new home this weekend? You can stay in the dorms of course, but I'm sure it would be nice to have somewhere to go over the holidays and weekends. Oh, and summer. You gotta get out of this place every now and then, and you can meet our cats! Nemuri's been taking care of the two of them because she's not a homeroom teacher so she doesn't have to stay on campus during the week." Mic seems to be trying to lighten the mood.

     "But... you're not a homeroom teacher either, Mic?" Shinso says, though it sounds a bit more like a question than a statement.

     "He broke down crying when I told him I would be staying at the school and begged me to let him come with." Aizawa explains.

     "He couldn't say no!" Mic retorts dramatically.

     A giggle escapes my mouth as I watch their playful bickering and everyone smiles at me. Yes, including Aizawa.

     I'm sure my time with these two teachers will be quite interesting.



     I watched as Izuku smiled, letting out a small laugh. I'm going to do everything I can to put a smile on his face every single day from now on. I still can't believe me and Shota adopted a real live actual child. When we got to our room last night I started crying, hugging him and laughing about how we would be parents. It was easily one of the happiest days of my life, and I was positive everything was only going to get better.

     I'm going to be the best parent I can be and give him all the support and love he needs to grow into a strong hero.

     Plus I'm gonna spoil him so much. I mean, we are rich. UA pays their teachers generously, and so does my radio show and Hero career. Shota's hero career doesn't pay very much because he's underground but he still gets that hefty UA paycheck, and he somehow convinced Nezu to raise his pay. In other words, we're pretty loaded, and I'm going to spend all this money that we don't know what to do with on Izuku.

     I get that money isn't the solution and all, but come on, who wouldn't spend all their money on such a precious kid. (Plus Shota and I donate several thousand of it to charities each month).

There's definitely going to be some favoritism in my classes, because Izuku was always one of my top students, and it doesn't hurt that his seemingly closest friend - or maybe more - is also quite gifted.

     I get it, favoritism is bad, but literally every teacher has favorites, they're just not allowed to say it. I can't help that I like some students over others, just like I can't help that Shota is my favorite person in the world. I have a feeling some day him and Izuku might be tied for the top spot on my list.

1032 words.

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