Ch. 59 - ready

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A/N: of course Hatsume was going to appear again, how could I resist?
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     "We should discuss your training." Shota stated, looking across the table at me. He got back about an hour ago, looking satisfied. He quietly reassured me that All-Might didn't know I said anything, and that I wouldn't be seeing him for a while.

     Shinso and I ended up staying for dinner, so we were all eating at the table right now. Shota and I hadn't had a chance to talk about my lack of a quirk and I really couldn't just blurt it out to Hizashi and Shinso, so it was an awkward dinner, to say the least.

     "O-okay, what about it?"

     "Tomorrow is the start of the last week of the school year. You should attend classes, but this week is strictly for resting and healing. The first week of summer break we're going to sort out your hand and begin prepping you for training. On the second week, your training will start and it will get increasingly more difficult as your body gets back into shape and you learn more. I'll have to revise your summer training schedule this week because of what happened today but we'll make it work." He provides, looking at me with an unreadable expression.

     "We've got a lot to do in a very short amount of time, so it's important that you take it easy this last week of school so that when summer comes around you'll be ready. Understand? This isn't a matter of just pushing past the pain. There's only so much recovery girl can do, and If your body is not healed enough when we start your training, you won't be able to handle the strain and you could permanently injure something. That means no more hero career, no more chances, it's over. Got it?"

     I gulped, nodding firmly at Shota.

     "Oh, I arranged for you to see Hound Dog for therapy during our hero training classes every day this week. I apologize for not being able to start sooner. If you feel comfortable with it, Shinso will drop you off and pick you up, and while you're in your session he'll be working with the rest of the class for training. If these sessions go well, I've already spoken to Hound Dog and we can arrange for you to see him over the summer as well, though less frequently." The sudden change in topic and mood left me unable to respond for a moment. I had completely forgotten about therapy.

     "Sho, Babe, I think you scared him."

     Shota huffs at Hizashi.

     "Sorry kid." He sighed quietly, running a hand through his hair.

     "It's okay." I take a deep breath. "Thank you all, so much, for everything you've done for me. You've all h-helped me so much-" my voice caught in my throat and I had to take a few seconds to breathe. Shinso put a gentle hand on my back.

     "You saved me, twice, and you've been taking care of me and always making sure I'm okay... and you adopted me after my mom died, and promised to train me even though I'm so broken," the word comes out sounding like what it is, cracked and painful, "and you still are, even after what happened today, and I don't know anyone else who would ever do that, who would still believe in me. So tha-thank you." I take deep breaths to stop the crying before it starts, wiping the corners of my eyes.

     "Hey, there's nothing broken about you. You might be a little banged up but it's nothing we can't work through." Hizashi reassures quietly.

     It makes me want to cry even more, because he doesn't know.

     Would he still say that if he knew I was quirkless?

     Shota makes eye contact with me with a small reassuring nod, and I look from him, to Hizashi, to Shinso. They're smiling encouragingly and I look away shyly, a small smile tugging at my own lips. Yeah, he would.

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