Ch. 80 - Dream

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A/N: Mei is causing trouble as usual, but in the long run, (entirely coincidentally) it might actually help the two dense idiots realize how much the other cares for them. Also, how many times have I written the word 'dream' in this chapter?  First person to give the correct answer gets... uhh... bragging rights.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     We walk through the quiet hallways together, the sounds of our footsteps and the quiet thud of my walking stick with its rubbery end the only sound, other than that of the occasional student walking past. That changes though, as we come up on a door to one of the third year courses.

     "Mei, what are you doing up here in the 3-H room again? I thought Power Loader told you to stay out of the 3rd year's stuff!" I hear muffled through the door. I look to Hitoshi in surprise. Did he hear that? Mei is here, assuming there's no other Mei who isn't in 3rd year.

     "But you guys have access to higher quality materials!" I hear through the door, in a voice that is definitely Mei's.

     "That's because we don't blow our materials up! Now go back down to your room, if you're lucky I'll bring down some of my scraps for you after classes."

     "Really?! You're the best!" There's the sound of clattering and a frantic yell before the door slams open and Mei runs out. The problem; a ball of light whizzes out with her, just missing her shoulder by an inch. It comes flying at Hitoshi, and hits him before he's even fully turned to see it. My hand had moved up to block the reasonably solid looking ball of light but it reached him before I got halfway there. I expect him to go flying back from the force of it but instead he only stumbles a little, the light dissipating.

     "Oh, it just had to be that one, didn't it?" I hear from inside the room.

     "Are you alright?" A girl with ashy grey hair in a pixie comes rushing out of the now wide open support course door, giving Hitoshi a once over. I'm already searching the area he was hit frantically, not feeling much better when I don't see any visible wound.

     Another student with noticeably pointed ears like Tamaki comes out behind her, holding a small machine in one hand and scratching the back of their head with the other.

     "Well, visually it looks like your device worked..." They trailed off.

     The girl turns around, ignoring her classmate with the machine, and glares halfheartedly at Mei. "How many times have we said not to run in our room? There's a lot of potentially extremely dangerous stuff in there, and that particular one..." she trailed off, looking back over to Hitoshi. "Let's just be thankful it wasn't anything deadly and it didn't break when you knocked it off the table just now."

     "Hey, I didn't mean to! And it's not like I pulled the trigger either. It just went off when it hit the floor and happened to hit him." She shot back.

     "I'm sorry for interrupting but would anyone mind telling me what the hell I was just shot with?" Hitoshi asks, and I heard the smallest waver in his voice.

     "This right here is a gun that allows people with touch activated quirks to use their quirks from a long distance. You know, by shooting it." The original voice from inside the room says, in the form of an already very tall girl who's also wearing heels walking out of the room, taking the machine from the other student. "You touch this pad right here," she said, pointing to a flat panel on the side, "and then it's good for one shot."

     "Okay, so who's quirk was just blasted into me?" Hitoshi asked, and I found myself worriedly waiting for the answer.

     "That would be mine." The girl with the grey hair spoke up. Upon no further explanation, Hitoshi continued.

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