Ch. 77 - Butterflies

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A/N: Midoriya is quite an innocent kid, and his only focus growing up was on becoming a good hero. Of course he's going to have trouble with his feelings now that he's experiencing them for the first time.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     "Alright, go get comfy on the bed, stomach down." I got up and did as he asked obediently, settling my face towards the wall so I couldn't watch him as he put away the mat. I chewed my lip nervously as I thought about what would happen next.

     "I have a feeling you're pretty tense all over, so I'm gonna start from your shoulders and work my way down. If anything hurts or you don't like it tell me, okay? I'm not a professional or anything so you gotta let me know." His voice was close, he was definitely at the edge of the bed, probably leaning over me slightly.

     I liked the way he said 'okay' whenever he was confirming something with me, or telling me to do something. It may have been a little patronizing coming from anyone else but it didn't feel like it from him. It just felt... soft, like a careful concern.

     "Okay." I mumbled, cheek squished against the mattress. My nose brushed up against a pillow and it was Hitoshi's, going by the smell of his shampoo.

     "Alright I'm just gonna-" he swung a leg over me, straddling my lower back in one motion. He adjusted his other leg so he had a knee on each side of me, and despite holding himself over me, I could still feel the heat emanating from his lower half. I let out a slow, shaky breath as I tried to calm my heartbeat. I resisted grabbing a fistful of the bedspread below me, determined not to show how I reacted to him like a horny teen. Is that really what I've become? It's so stupid, I don't even want to do that with him, I just like him. I know this, so why do I feel so nervous?

     I realized I might have been a bit hard on myself. It's not like I got a... you know—my cheeks burned at just the thought—but just having Hitoshi so near like this puts nervous butterflies in my stomach. I think it may be a combination of how attractive he is and the idea that someone who didn't like me at all would never get this close to me.

     Regardless, I was making a big deal out of nothing and I needed to get my act together. I just might die of embarrassment if he noticed my off behavior and thought I was scared of him again.

     When I realized my eyes were shut I peeled them open, entirely determined to act natural.

     From the angle my head was at I could see one of his thighs, muscles flexed as he held himself up. Where his thigh pressed against my side his shorts were bunched up, allowing my eyes to see slightly more of the unblemished skin beneath them. A mortified flush filled my cheeks at the indecent thoughts that flashed through my mind, and I refused to think of the way it would feel to lay my head on those thighs and look up at Hitoshi from his lap. Stupid teenage hormones, they were never a problem before. I'm afraid they'll get worse and I'll start thinking really inappropriate things. I don't want to think of Hitoshi that way.

     It was a long moment before I felt fingertips ghost against the sides of my neck, he was probably waiting to see if I was okay with the new position. If I had my way, he would never find out just how okay I was with it. Slightly calloused fingers slid slowly up the back of my neck and brushed my hair out of the way. It sent a shiver down my back that I hoped he didn't notice.

     "Your hair's pretty long." He pushed a stray piece away from the nape of my neck, sliding back down to rest where my shoulders met my neck over my shirt collar.

     "Y-yeah. I probably need to ask if I can get a haircut soon."

     He hums in response, adjusting his hands one more time before he began to knead, slowly increasing the pressure. The warmth from his palms matched the heat in my cheeks that had yet to go away.

     I decided it was best to close my eyes when I saw his thigh muscles flexing as he bore down on my shoulders.

     Despite my embarrassment and inability to open my eyes, the massage was amazing. I hadn't realized how stiff everything was until he loosened it up and I felt so much better. I swallowed my sounds of enjoyment as he slowly worked his way all the way down my back and arms, because that would just be horrifying.

     When he made it about halfway down my back his hands left for a moment, and the hem of my shirt was pulled up slightly.

     "I-" he cleared his throat, pausing for a moment. "I don't want to stretch out your shirt. Is it okay if I work under it?" He asks, voice low and vaguely strained. I thought about the change in his voice briefly, deciding it was probably because he was getting tired. I didn't have to think about the question, I'd say yes to whatever he wanted.

     "Yeah. I don't mind." I answered him.

     I felt the callouses of his fingers again as he slid them up my back, under my t-shirt and over my scars. Their heat penetrated my skin and left blazing trails in their path. He resumed his massaging and worked his way down.

     Now he grinds the heels of his palms into the small of my back as he scoots further down my body to hover above my calves. As he works the area I wonder how far he'll go. He's getting awfully close to my butt, do people get that massaged too? I must have tensed as my sudden unease and embarrassment came through, because he smooths his hands over my back with a gentle "relax for me." Before going back to the spot he was working on before.

     I consider asking him not to touch me there, but I realize if he was only planning to massage my upper body then that question would be mortifying. Regardless, I can trust him. He would be more likely than anyone to know that would make me uncomfortable, and he'd stop if I asked him to.

     His hands leave my back and I wait with baited breath to see whether he's done or not. I was not prepared instead for his hands to meet my thigh muscles, one side at a time. Just like everything else so far, he takes care to thoroughly work everything out, all while never going too high or lingering too long.

     My scars that pulled and ached ceased their crying as Hitoshi worked over them, ever so delicate yet firm and steady in his ministrations.

     His fingers dipped into the small pockets and hills of each various scar and cared for each of them, soothing both my muscles and my mind.

     Soon I forgot about my embarrassment as he made his way down to my calves, and by the time he finished I was boneless against the mattress. I wasn't sure if I had ever felt this loose in my life. I didn't want to move, in fear that it would go away.

     "Felt good?" He asks when he sees I haven't moved.

     "Mhm." I answer into the mattress.

     "I'm glad, now let's get you to bed."

     "I'm in bed. Don't wanna move."

     "I know," he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice as he places a hand on my head. "But you like to be under the covers and you're on top of them right now." He scratched my scalp gently with the tips of his blunt fingernails, and I melted further into the bed.

     When no response came he spoke again. "Alright, I just need you to roll over and then you can roll back again. Come on." He nudged me gently, and with a groan I rolled onto my back.

     "Okay," he said, bunching up the blanket next to me. "Now roll back over." I gave him a look and he laughed. "Just once, and I'll leave you to sleep."

     I rolled back over to my previous position on my stomach, snuggling against the sheets that were warm from my body earlier. Hitoshi reached over me and tugged at the blankets which were now bunched up on my other side, pulling them over me and tucking me in. I was too tired to think about how childish it was, instead muttering a quiet "thanks" as I began to drift off.

     I heard a fond "of course." And felt calloused, warm fingers in my hair before the world faded.

1464 words.

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