Ch. 78 - Determined

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A/N: can we all just pretend for a moment that I posted on time? I was trying to get my plot and my life in order. Turns out it's not easy to do both at the same time.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

Waking up in Hitoshi's arms is an indescribably wonderful feeling as always, though I could do without the alarm that's a bit further away than usual. Immediately I'm slightly more alert, wondering why it sounds different, like there's a body blocking the sound. It doesn't take long to realize I'm on the inside again, squished between Hitoshi and the wall. Protected, like the night our friends slept over. I wonder if this will be a regular occurrence now. It's one that I definitely wouldn't mind.

Regardless of the alarm, this morning is especially nice. I'm pressed up against Hitoshi's chest where I can feel his steady heartbeat and hear his breathing, and I'm just a little closer than normal, one less piece of fabric between us than usual. One of my arms is wrapped around him, my palm splayed across his bare muscular back. I pull it away reluctantly.

"Morning." He greets after he shuts the alarm off, rolling onto his back. "How do you feel?"

The question alone brings a giddy smile to my face. He cares, I think excitedly before shaking my head. Well of course, it's Hitoshi. My standards are so low to be excited about that. I sigh inwards dejectedly as I wipe the smile from my face.

"Morning Hitoshi. I didn't know it was possible to be this pain-free."

He sighs, facing the ceiling. "You're stretching with me from now on. I'm glad you feel better." I can't help the smile crawling it's way back onto my face at his words.

"If it feels like this every time then I'll do it every day." I give him a cheeky smile.

"You better," he says sleepily, "I heard you were almost as good at quirkless sparring as Uraraka. I want to spar with you for training, so you need to be all better before the end of summer."

I laughed at him. "Okay. I'll do my best, Hitoshi." The thought of sparring again made me buzz with restless excitement. I was newly determined to get better.

"I'm going to get dressed, I'll be out in a second." I got out from under the covers and made my way to our closet. He let out a groan in response, turning over in bed. "I'll be up... after you. Five more minutes."

"Okay!" I laughed, heading into the bathroom with my uniform.

I got dressed and sat down on the ledge of the bathtub with a huff while I brushed my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom Hitoshi was by our desks fumbling with a teabag, eyes squinted as he sleepily tried to unravel the string. He grumbled quietly until he got it, putting it in a steaming mug of water on the desk.

His coffee machine was just finishing pouring into a second mug, the smell of coffee floating through the room.

He added some honey and held the tea out to me, other hand grabbing his coffee to take a sip.

"Thanks." I take it with a smile, walking over to sit on the edge of my bed. I pull the curtains back to look out of the windows, returning my hand to the mug which warms it. Outside it really does look like summer is here.

A small beep has me turning around again. Hitoshi, still in his pajamas—that is, a pair of shorts and nothing else—is leaned over the desk staring at the coffee machine. I realize he's already making another coffee. His hands are splayed out on the desk, his gaze only somewhat alert as he watches his mug fill slowly, standing over it. I suppress a smile and turn back to look out the window.

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