First Kiss (Aidan)

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Hey that me first chapter WOW i am excited anyways i hope you like it..! <3

WARNING: Happy, Fluff and a little smut..

Y/n POV:

Me and Aidan just come yo his apartment from this week, i am so tired it was so difficult in the seat the week cause all the fights scene we have done. Aidan open the door and i run inside and jump to the bed, Aidan laugh cutely and jump to the bed next to me. Wie both start laughing...

Y/n: Wow i am so tired

A: Yeah me too. but i am exited for the next week because wie are gonna do that new scene and i love to do new thinks! Aidan say exiting.

Y/n: Yeah me too! And thanks again for letting me leave with in your apartment!

Aidan look at me and give me huge smile.

A: You know anything for you!

Aidan POV:

A: You know anything for you!

Y/n then smile at me and start looking at the ceiling. God you don't know how much i wanna kiss her right now and cuddle her... i start thinking... Ohh god i can't anymore i am  gonna kiss her right now come on you can do it.

I just slip myself up at her and kiss her. OH GOD it feels so god after so long time that i was waiting for that. But i stop the kiss  when i understood that he didn't kiss me back... 

Y/n POV:

i was socket for what just happen and i have mix feelings i was happy and sad, happy because me crush just kiss me and sad because i just stand ther and i didn't kiss him back...

i sit up with a complete confused and socked face. Aidan start speaking.

A: Y/n, I am sorry i didn't want to make you fill bad...I-I- I just wanted to that from the day i meet you but i was sacred you dont like me because i like you Y/n... No no no i don't like you Y/n i love you! after saying all that he look at me and sights and look back down.

A: Y/n, if you don't fill the steam way for me is okay just tell me... At least please wie can keep being frie- 

i cut him of be jumping in his lap and starting kiss him. He kiss me immediately back. Wie kiss for so long and so passionately.

Aidan start capping my waist and pulling me near his body. Me hands wear at his shoulder in the beginning but then i start to play with his hart, god that was the best felling ever ( i just got butterflies on my stomach ). Aidan hand was travelling on me body and bushing me against his body that was more that 10 minutes. Then wie stop kissing and just start make eyes contact for about 5 minute, then Aidan discript to speak.

A: Wow that was amazing! You have no inte how long i was waiting for this moment!

I just giggle at this at he did to after a little time from just laughing at each other and lookminto each other eyes Aidan start again to speak.

A: Sooo ! Y/n would you like to be my girlfriend ? he ask a little nervous.

I smile and  I start feeling butterflies on my stomach and o god i was so happy and olso socket but more happy! My crush just ask if i wanna be his girlfriend and i didn't answer him immediately omg! And with that i start speaking no no speaking yelling from the happiness!

Y/n: YES YES YES YES YES YES A MILLION TIME YES ! i say smiling at him and give him a kiss on gis chest.

A: *giggles* I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!! he says with the beggest smile ever!

Y/n: i love you even more Aidan! i smile and kiss him!

After polling away from the last kiss wie cuddle and i start thinking cute nicknames for me baby!



That was so exited and nice to write! i I hope olso that was nice to read it guys and that you like it! That took me more than 1 hour to write!  And olso this is me first one that i write in ever! 

699: words WOW !


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