Why Y/n ? p. 3 (aidan)

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Aidan POV:

I was searching for Y/n more than 2 weeks, i wanna find her i wanna know so bad what happen, why did he live me like that... And tell her a sorry whatever i did wrong, i just wanna hug her, kiss het taste her coconut (your chopstick taste) chopstick, cuddle her, play guitar together, watch a movie, make happy memories with her like all the other that i dream about every night, oh god i really Love her so so so much, i would do anything just to be with her. 

*Time skip 1 moth later*

 I was sitting on the my bed looking at the ceiling thinking.                                                                          One moth past and i could find her anywhere i really miss her, today i have a concert to a cafeteria i really dont wanna go there... i just miss her.

Y/n POV:

I really miss him so much, his smell off coconut, the time we play the guitar together, cuddle him, play with his hairs, i just wanna go back to our house and hug him say sorry that i live like this, but i would never to that no not because im selfish, because im scared that i would she him with another girl or worst with Hannah... But i really miss him.... damn why do i have to be so stupid he dont love you dumbass... but i do.....

I start working to a cafeteria in Toronto because i didn't have all the mine to live the city i have to work to get them. Today is gonna come somebody to sing in the cafeteria, i didn't care who i really wasn't in the mood to ask, i just start to decoration the place with blue things.

The time past and it was like 18:00 at night and the people start coming, the most off them where girls in a young age so i think to myself that it most be a man that come to sing.

B: Waitresses!! we hear the boss call us and we all go to him and start in front off him we where not a lot just like 3 girls and 5 men's.

B: So Aidan is here and the show start at 10 minitus go and start take orders and be nice it would be a long night. the boss say to us. i just stand there while  the others start to go take oders.

B: Hey didn't you hear me go take oderss. he says little angry at me.

Y/n: Y-ou mean A- Aidan G- Gallagher? i say shaking.

B: yes do you have a problem with that lady? he says with a little angry.

Y/n: No no one Boss. I say scared.

Ohh god no i really dont wanna see him right now, but i can live now i have to go through this is okay he will not see my is so many people here he is not gonna see me especially with all ythose blue lights on his face, im gonna ask someone other to take the first table and im gonna get the back on so im make sure he doesn't see my. i thought to me self start getting the orders.


Hey sorry for not updates for so long but its a lot things that going on in me life now.

Part 4 is gonna be the last one!

See you guys!

love yall!! 


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