Revenge (five)

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Warning: SMUT



Me and Five where cuddle watching the after 2 for the first time. Suddenly a sex scene come we watched it relaxed or so i thought, i feel five moving around a lot, i look up at him he looks at me and give a smile i just look back down but then i realize hes boner. I smirk and got up.

F: where are you going? five ask looking at me, i didn't answer just go and grap the water, i take some ships walking over to Five, i shit down cuddle him but this time i pot my leg on top off his dick. I could feel him getting more hard. Five slowly start go down at me kissing me neck.i let him make what he want's. After some time.

F: Y/n? five say slowly. 

Y/n: mhm? i look at hes eyes.

F: i need some help. he said blushing.

Y/n: oh i know fivey. i said smirking.

F: What do you mea- i cut him off kissing him getting on top off him. i start to take off his shirt and boxers yes he was only in boxers. I look at his dick that just bring up and hit his stomach. i look at him and.

Y/n: Im gonna fack the shit out off you. i said kissing him slowly.

F: mhmm im not sure about that he said trying to get on top. But he didn't have realizing i had his hands handcaff on the bed.

Y/n: don't worry i will.... daddy. i said in hes ear.

F: Wha- i cut him off again graping his dick jerking him off fast and with me other hand i was playing with hes bals. i was enjoing it i hand him in my hands he was a moaning mess, he cum not even 10 minutes in it. Hes dick start to get smaller in my hand Five was heavy breathing. He thought i was done but i grab hes dick and messed the inside (ifykyk).

F: Y/n be careful im sensitive. he said looking at me in the eyes.

Y/n: dont worry dady. i said and he start get big again,  i start to jerk him off again till he cums in my hand. i did that till he didn't have any juses left....

Five was heavy brething. i but his boxers back up and lay on him i feel him smile and give a hug. 

Y/n: you okay love? i said cutely.

F: ofcousrse baby why not.he said

Y/n: you enjoy it? i said smirking.

F: oh sure i did you where perfect.

Y/n: come on lets go take a shower together. i said getting up.

Five got up but he fall to the floor.

Y/n: okay five? i said waliking over to him.

F: ouch my dick hurts. he said grapping his dick. i giggle

Y/n: well i think someone ist gonna be waliking for the rest 2 days!! 

F: oh shut up! he said getting back tp bed.

Y/n: Dont worry bubs im gonna take help you! i said going out off the room.

F: Thanks princess! he said.

Y/n: THATS CALLED REVENGE BABY BOY!!!!!!! I yell getting back to the room with a towel! he just giggle at me.


so school start tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

fack i hate it!!!!!

see you soon!!!!

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