First shy time part.3 (five)

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Request from my little girl _Nickys_girlie_



I was in the Academy with Five was playing some games with friends and i was bored in my room. I got up and got to Five room i walk in he look at me giving me a smile i smile back and he go back to his games talking with one off hid friends. I sights and walk up to his bed looking at the wall, thinking what can i do. But then i got a idea! i just needed five permission. So i walk up to him.

Y/n: Five can you muted your self please? i said hugging him from behind.

F: but bebe not- i cut him off.

Y/n: please!??!? i said slowly giving him a kiss on the check. Five sight and muted his self amd look up at me.

F: So? he said looking at me.

Y/n: Can i play with your toy? i said looking him in the eyes.

F: What- oh i understand now... sure go ahead princess. I smile and sit down taking his pants and poxers off i hear five giggle before i grap his dick.

F: bebe! be careful its a sensitive toy! he said making me look up at him.

Y/n: sure bebe! i said looking down on his toy and start playing again.

I was playing around and Five was back on his game. I start playing with the 2 balls off him i was like giving them a masaz they way i was moving them i show a part one his and i wated to touch it but i was scared to hurt him. I could help it and i slolwy move me hand on this parts and when i touch it i show five let his head fall back, I immediately tak emy hand out.

Y/n: five you okay? did i hurt you? i said sitting up to face him. 

F: no no im okay dont worry go play with your toy bebe. he said looking at me.

Five POV: 

Y/n got me super horny the way see was playing with my member, he was doing so soft ad he was enjoying not knowing what he was doing to me. I watch her as she sit back down starting to play with me again. I was trying so hard to not let my self get hard and be still focus but i couldn't, i start feeling my member getting big.

Y/n: Five did i do something wrong? did i hurt you? we is it getting big and bigger at the second? he said totally confused. I look at the game and mute my self and living the game, Y/n didn't notice it.

F: No no babe is all good relax and play with your toy. i said looking at her he give a smile looking down on my member. He was playing with me again i watch watching her he was so relaxing, but in the time he i start to get more horny.

Y/n start to play with my hard now member going a little up and down with her fingers i throw my head back feeling me getting hard as fuck. Y/n did notice he was just so fucosed on my toy she was so adorable, my thoughts got interrupt be her potting her finger in that sensitive part making me let out a gasp, she heard it and look up at me with that cute and innocent eyes off her.

Y/n: you okay cutie? he said normally.

F: Y-yeah.... but i need some help.....? i said slowly filling me self getting red. 

Y/n: Sure how can i help you? she said nicely and start to sit up. i grap her pot her down again she looked socket a bit.

F: I need your help from right there i said looking at her sitting down in her knees. 

Y/n: Okay then? what do i have to do? he said not understanding what i need and want.

F: You see Y/n? your toy is big now and is tired and it hurts so you have to help it. I said nicely. he looked confused.

Y/n POV: 

F: You see Y/n? your toy is big now and is tired and it hurts so you have to help it.  i could understand what he wanted they only thing i was thinking was i hurt him how i was so careful.

Y/n: did i hurt it? i ask scared a bit touch in a little. i look over at five hes eyes rolled back to his eyes like when we have sex. he giggle a little.

F: no bebe you didn't. you just make it big so now you have to make it small again. okay? he said making my relax goes i didn't hurt him.

Y/n: okay so tell me what can i do? i tell himso he doesn't have to hurt any more.

F: okay so bebe, just open your mouth and pot the toy in. he said and i nod yes. Five look at me exited and happy.

I got down on the hard part and pot it my mouth it was warm but i couldn't take it all in. So i got up from hes toy to ask him.

Y/n: And what do i do with that part i can't get? i said nicely looking him smile at me.

F: Just pot your hands there. he said giving me a last smile before i got down there again taking him in mouth and the other part with my hands, i stay like this and i could here him heavy breathing. 

F: just like that now go up and down on me. he said heavy brething. So i start doing that and i hear him moan a bit i smile and smirked to myself knowing what i was doing on him all this time.

F: Just like that me angel... now suck a bit like it is a lolipop. he said and so did i hearing him moaning a little louder than before.  I was doing this for some time then i got one idea to use my tongue, so did i starting to flip it around his member still sucking him and going up and down, he start to moan even more louder.

F: omg! omg princess! that's so good! oh god! some things he was saying. But now i couldn't take it any longer and let it flop out off my mouth trying to cath my breath.

F: you okay princess? He said robbing me back. 

Y/n: yeah im fine. i said finally catching me breath going down to take him but five stop me. i look at him confused 

F: its okay princess you dont have to do that. he said carrying like always.

Y/n: But i did that to you and now it hurts. i said looking im in the face he look at me in the eyes.

F: its okay bebe your face is so red i don't wanna see you like that just so i could feel good. he said nicely and i give him a smile he smiled back.

y/n: well atlest can i  do it like the other time.? i said nicely. he laughs and nod yes.

I take his still hard member in my hand and start to go up and down fast, he let out heavy breathing and moans. Soon he cum on my hand letting his head fall back.  I look at his member starting to get little in my head, being happy he isn't in pain again. i look up five was looking at me trying to catch hes breath. I take some off his cum to taste he had the same taste like in the last time ''banana'' i smile taking some more potting it in my mouth, i look up at five he was smiling at me breathing normally now. he was stering at me with a smile.

Y/n: What? i said cunfused.

F: just thinking ''how did i get so lucky to have you''. he said laughing with teeth now.

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