First shy time part. 2 (five)

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Five start moving in my giving such much plesure, he was going slowly to make sure i dont have any other pain he is such an gentleman I love it!!!!! With the time Five start to go more faster and some harder i like it  and i start to moan a little louder. 

 F: falling good princess? he said smirking at me. I just gasp i could talk he start hitting a spot that was making me feel so good, i arch my back pulling it over on his body he smirk agian.

F: i see darling. talking me so good. good girl. he said in my ear making me orgasm pull over me. I start moaning more louder i could help it.

Y/n: can i cum? i ask totally screaming.

F: No you wait for me. he said now going more faster and harder. I start to be a moaning mess time got be and five wasn't close and i couldn't take it any more.

y/n: can i? i said pulling his hair making him look at me. he look at me still going.

F: no just a little more. he said. i could take it any more.

Y/n: please? i said letting go off his hair he smiled at me.

F: fine do it. he said making one last hard push marking sure i cum hard and so did i. Five pulled out off me and smirked at me. I was heavy breathing trying to get my in place. Five giving me the time taking some off my cum to taste it he smiled pulling hes fingers out off his mouth going down taking more and coming up yo my face making me taste it. But i didn't want to and push his hand away. He looked surprised.

F: come on princess dont worry it taste good is like you eat vanilla ace cream. He said lining his body over mine with his finger in my face?

Y/n: How fat would i get? Is it healthy? I ask and he giggle why what was so funny? i ask to myself.

F: Don't worry cutie this is more healthy from broccoli and is more taste. he said at me smiling I slowly open my mouth sucking on his finger tasting me cum and he was right it had a good taste. I look over at five he was rolling hes eyes back. i couldn't understand why. i pull his finger's out.

Y/n: Five you okay? i ask grapping hes face. he smile and smirk.

F: yeah but you know i still need  a little help here. he said looking down at his member. But i didn't know how to help him. so i look at him and he understand what was wrong.

F: Dont worry princess just give me your hand. he said giving my hes hand. i sit up next to him. and give it to him. He take it and look at me giving me hand a kiss making eyes contact with me making me feel this butterfly on my stomach, i let out a giggle.

Five pot my hand on his dick pulling it up and down he start to moan a little and then its when i got it what he was doing, i smile a little and start to doing it alone doing it fast five let his head fall back from that, i smile and start kissing his neck making sure that i live hickeys. He start moaning a little more letting his hand fall on hid lap, letting me have more exes on his dick and start to go faster i feel his dick start to twist in my hand i didn't stop i was till going fast on him and i thing he like it. I look down to his member letting go off his neck watching him twist in me hand letting out some white juses. Five was heavy breathing, i stop going on him watching his member getting smaller with the time. I smile at his member, it was like a little toy.

F: you like me dick, dont you? he ask looking at me giving me a small kiss on the lips. I nod giving him a kiss back looking back down on his member still on my hand. 

F: Taste it. he said looking down and the at me. I didn't understand what he mined but then i look back down on his member seeing his cum so i got what he wanted but i didn't wanted to do it, then i remember the taste off my cum. I got exited and take one finger off his cum pulling on my mouth sucking on my finger it taste so good like banana. I take one more finger giving it to him he smirked and suck on my finger. 


here is the part 2!!

I'm almost on 1k reds !

Thank you all!


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