Why Y/n?

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Warning: Sad


Aidan POV:

I was in the studio recording me new song, the song was about for Y/n because lets just say see got a little jealous when she found out that me last song was for Hannah, and i would be to.

I was waiting for her to lessen to me new song, i was wondering if see understand that it is for her

A: Y/n are you coming? i yell for her to hear me, cause we live together for like 4 months.

She didn't answer me and i got worried, so i stand up to go look for her. I first go to the kitchen because i show there last time she was cleaning there but she wasn't there she have cleaned all the kitchen so i thought maybe she was on the bathroom i got there and clock at the door.

A: Y/n?! you are in there? ι said slowly but he didn't take answer me, so i open the door and she wasn't there.

I then look at the washbasin and i seen that her make-up thing's wasn't there she always let them there. I start to tear up and run to the bedroom. When i got there she wasent there so i run to our closet and see that her clothes weren't there and all her stuff weren't there. 

I fell on my knees crying and whisper.

Α: She left me.... Why?...... Why Y/n?.....

I just sit down on the floor crying.

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