Bathroom(Five) Part.2

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Five POV: 

I here Y/n come out off the bedroom and she look at me surprised that i was still there, she them look at her clothes for something and she got a outfit out and she start to change infront off me and god she was so beautiful and hot as fuck i got hard again from just seeing her naked, i pull the covers over this place so she could not notice this. Then she come to the bed with me and lay to the other side not facing me i sight and fall asleep from the alcohol.

*Time skip in the middle of the night*

Five POV:

I wake up still in Y/n bed and she is not with me, i then hear the water off the shower and think to me self  'now is me chance to make it up to her'. So i just got up and go to her bathroom i didn't even have to take off me clothes i was still naked from last night and also horny.

F: Good morning darling. i said as i got into the bathroom with her, she didn't answer me and that make me a little mad

F: Come on I'm sorry. i said still not knowing what i did wrong.

Y/n turn around and look at me in the face and said: you know i can read minds so stop laying and go to hell you piss off shit. She got out off the shower.

Y/n POV:

I was about to go out off the shower but then Five pulled me right back in and chuckle me a little and then kiss me and press his body into mine make me feel how hard she was right now and i let out a gasp at this reaction.

F: You know what I am really tired off you been mad at me and all this sit so i give you a punismet right now. I was about to answer him when i feel him gating into me fast and hard but i didn't like it because me possy was dry as fuckvand it hurts a little. I sstart to puul him away but hi wont let go off. Five got tht this hurts and it was also hard for him to move so he take the shower gun and pot it in me vargina so it got a little wet and it works. 

F: Come on princess let the out i know you want to. I just shake me head as a no and she just go faster and harder at me.

After sometime he hits me good spot and i let out a load moan.

F: That's me baby. he said smirking at me. 

He still going hard in me and i was moaning pretty load and he was groaning with every thust off him.

I then come with out a warning on him and he come inside me and i fell like butterflies in me stomach. He lead his head rest on me solder breathing heavily and so was i we where like hugging. Then i hear a evil smirk and laugh from Five.

F: Your gonna regret comming with out warning me baby girl.




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