Criminal (Five) part.3

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Y/n POV:

The next day i wake up with Lila be me side i slowly got off bed and wake up Lila do go down for breakfast and we have to explain and i didn't want to cause nodoby knows the truth for just me and Lila and she knows i don't want to talk about this and i don't want people know it. 

Me and Lila go downstairs for Breakfast and the where all there wating fur us and dad. It was awkward to stay there like that nobody was talking the wear just looking at it other but this boy Five was looking at me and it wasent like a way iam gonna kill or i like you it was a cumfused way.

S.R: im here sit down and eat. he said coming from the living room and sitting down we all did this and start to eat. after same time.

S.R: Now is time for training. Be ready in five minutes in the back off the house.(?) we all sit up and when Sir. Reginal was gone i quickly crap Lila hand and teleport us upsters to me room.

L: you okay Y/n? she said looking at me.

Y/n: No iam not i- i dont want them to know all the truth. i said sitting down next to Lila in the bed. 

L: I know but you know what the are gonna know sometime so jus let thinks hapen.

Y/n: i know but not now the cant know now. i said siting up.

L: Well, what can we do then?

Y/n: Ok i got it wan dad ask us for an explains i talk to you thru me head and toll you want we are gonna say. Okay!?

L: Sure no problem ! she said  and give me a smile that a give her back.

*Time skip to the training *

Sir. Reginal start to say name that thinks that is gonna be a great math and the can handler its other abilities.(i don't know if you want me to say ho that was going but if i do is gonna be to long.)

S.R: Y/n and Vanya ! your turn.

Me and Vanya got into the mach plays and got i dont know what me feelings was i hate her because she was about to distrust me world and at the other side it wasent her fault. I look at her and she was ready for a fight she just wanted to fight she wasent thinking, i didn't want to fight her but i have to. She start be making with her hands a blue ball and fly her self in the ear that she send to me but i just teleport away before that think hit me. I got invisible and make me do angels flirts and i become invisible and fly to her and hit her with me flirts and she wall in the ground and i just stand there. she come up again with her self in the ear tries to make the same ball and hit but when the ball come to me way i pull me hand up and make a wall for grass so it would not hit but she gould see me and i startde waking there slowly and with every footstep the see me with me crown and a white drees. i then stop walkinh and make with me brain to hand off grass and grap her hand and 2 othe rto grap her feet, with that she could not move so i let the wall of grass fall down and look at her straight in the eyes make her see thinks.

The thinks that you make Vanya see: Is the little boy the child off sissi in a car and he still has powers he hand mind power, telekinis and that all.

V:"Please stop, you're scaring me! I can't help this awful energy !?! pls!?! she yelled in pain.

Y/n: God damn right, you should be scared of me!! Who is in control?! i said yelling back at her then i show the socket and worried faces off all off them ivend Sir. Reginal so i let her fault down but before he could hit the grass with her head a mike a bed off grass and she landed at it. Hersiblings come to her t she if she is okay. And ishe got up and look at me

V: Is it true? she said with a worried voice. I nod at a yes at her, and there siblings look at both off us now confused.

V: You need to help with that... Please can you help me please!? I need your help...


I think is gonna be a part 4 

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