Wrong part.6 (five)

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I just finish me work with commission. I teleport back home in the living room , i look around and all off the family was there.

F: Mhmm suspicious family meeting without me. i said sarcastic. They all look up at me like they are mad at me but also sad.

L: Hey Five... Luther said slowly looking down again.

F: Common now wha- I got interrupt by Diego.

D: Five how is Y/n? Diego asked sarcastic.

Omg do they know, to the find her. No five relax they are just asking around.

F: Yeah in her room...Why? i said slowly

A: Nothing nothing important... Allison said nervously.

F: mhm yeah sure.. i said sarcastic and teleport to me room to Dolores, i would go down there to Y/n later.

Allison POV:

We got home and talk to the other all the story the truth they where socket.

L: No way five would never do that! Luther said not wanting to understand the things.

V: Yeah Luther but remember you are the one that got her out off that shitti box down there!! Vanya said mad at Luther.

Out off no where Five teleport to us.

*Time skip to when five teleport to his room*

A: what the fuck Diego i told you is a secret just for us! Y/n doesn't want Five to know till the day he dead so we will keep her promise. i said totally mad at him.

D: ok ok fine but this boy need to get what he deserve. i understand him goes Diego and Y/n was close friends

*Time skip to when Allison and Vanya come home with the boy baby*

Allison POV:

We got home with the little boy baby from Y/n! he was so cute we where sitting all to the kitchen and play with the baby Five still don't know about it.

Five POV:

I just got home from the cafeteria that i use to go every day at this time line. I got inside the house and hear me siblings play and talk like they where talking to a baby. I slowly got to the kitchen and got inside. They all look at me socket and like they where in trouble. I then show that Vanya was holding a baby.

F: Ho is that? i said pointing me finger at the baby. They all look at the baby and back at me again.

L: a- i- ohh Luther was trying to say something.

A: That the baby one off my friends he have to go for a trip and im gonna have it here for now. Allison said.

F: yeah whatever. But if this mather facker make a noise im gonna kill him. i said and Teleport to Y/n i thought it was time she was there more like 4 months.

I teleport inside the room i locket her in. But he wasent there it was blood on the floor and her drees wasent also there. Than i look up at the door and he was open. how the hack did he got outside from here?? i have to find here before she tell anything to somebody! i teleport around the house to find her but he wasent anywhere.

Allison POV:

A: hey klaus do you thing you can find Y/n And make her come here? i said looking up at klaus holding the baby.

K: sure! klaus said and close hes eyes to starrt to search for her.


A: goes the baby need food and Y/n had food on the boobs so we need her! i said rolling me eyes at him.

K: found her! hey Y/n! he said looking at an empty chair.

V: Ehh klaus we still cant she here!

K: ohh yeah just amoment. klaus said and blue light come from his hands. and now we could seh her!

D: Y/n Omg! im so so sorry i wasent there for you! Diego said running up and hugging her. 

Y/n: its okay Luther is not your fault! he said hugging him back.

A: okay okay lets do that later now Y/n come here you have to give him food! i said making her come up to me and the baby.

A: come on hold him! i said and giving her the baby! they looked so cute together.

Suddenly we hear bomb and Five teleported just inside the kitchen and he looked mad.

F: Where the hell is he? Ahh here are you come with me right now!. Five said angry not understand what going on. Y/n didn't move she was socket. Five treat to get her hand making her come with him. But see started to fead away. Five was stodding there socket. When Y/n was completely gone Five look at us and show Klaus and understand what was going on. Five just telepoted away...


So these a part 6 .

i maybe to a part 7!

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