Wrong part. 3 (five)

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Warning: raped, slaps and lot thing's like that...


Y/n POV: 

I was getting ready for the date with Five friends, i didn't talk to Five like 2 days.

I got dressed with  a short blue dress. and do some natural make up. i take my back a start to pack me thinks, my keys, my phone and all the things a woman needs. i got out  my room and and i have to through Five room first, when i was walking outside his room i heard  him moan.

F: A-ahhh godd Dolores i love you. i just sights and start walking down stairs, im not like a part from the family but i live also here goes my parents dies some years ago and reginal take my to live with them but he never was gentle with but the other sampling where sometimes also five.

Five POV:

I clear up a little and went to the window and shit down with Dolores in my arms, i saw Y/n get out the front  door and stop a taxi. She was wearing a drees and he hand make up on and he also did her hair. Then i remember what my friend girlfriend said to me the last time we met, i got worried no not for here just for want he is gonna, he is gonna make me seems so stupid. NO i would never let that happen! i teleport to the car and i start to follow the taxi.

Y/n POV:

I got to the park and i see five fries sitting there i bay the taxi and go up to him. 

F/f: hey! im happy you come. He said hugging me i hug him back.

Y/n: hey! yeah i make it. i said let go off the hug.

F/f: you wanna go for a walk. he ask me nicely i just nod as a yes.

We started to walk and talk i had a really fun time with him i was happy. But i had this weird feeling like someone was watching us but i didn't tell anything goes i didn't want thing that im stupid or something like that. we sit down on the grass behind a tree. He looks at my in the eyes and so did i we slowly lean in to kiss, i feel his kips on mine they where soft like the kiss. we slowly let go off the kiss and give a smile and i lean my head on his chest and we was like cuddle. time past and it was night he called a taxi for me and we said by and go home.

I got home happy goes something good happen to my life after so long. i open the frond boor.

Klaus: woah bestie we are you so happy? he said looking at my i just run up to him anf hug him and dance a little he laugh with me. i got up stars too my room and feel into the room, my happines was gone when i hear five teleport inside the room.

F: Hey Y/n what did you do today? five ask it made my a little worried he never talk to my like that and he never care about my day.

Y/n: it was okay just sitting in my room drawing. i said goes he know how much i like to draw.

Sudely Five teleport over my in the bed with both hands on my neck rought and tigh.

F: WHAT DID YOU THINK THAT I NEVER GONNA FOUND OUT? THAT IM GONNA LET YOU GO WITH HIM? five yelled at my taking my breath away, suddenly i feel him teleport away. 

I open my eyes start to breath again goes he let go off my neck. i look around to see that i was on the room that Vanya told that Reginald use to lock her in here, now i was in there but not alone with an angry Five and im sure that's not good.

F: your gonna regret what you did with him, like he did! five said in a calm but angry.  i loook at him with tears in the eyes.

Y/n: W-hat d-did y-you do to h-him?i ask scared.

F: Oh so you care nice to know that. he said sarcastic. i look at him more in his body and show blood on his shorts. 

Y/n: D-did y-you k-ill him? i ask more scared this time.

F: mhm yes i use a new axe i got 2 days ago. he said and give my one off those killer smile. 

I stand up and run up to the door and start to knock and yell for help.

F: shhh! aww you thing you cant go like that. maybe you go when i end teaching you your lesson. he said grapping my and push me on the floor. 

F: If you got throught he said slowly getting over my.

Y/n: Five please.... i said he was like he wasent hearing me 

Five ripped off my drees and i was only in a bra and pans and he was ontop off my. i was possing him to stop but  i could he was way to strong. he but my hand behind his legs that was on top odd my stomach. he onpot he shorts and got his dick out. i start to yeel again and move try to got out off this but i could.

Y/n: Five please im sorry. is the last thing i could tell before him butting his dick in my mouth forced me to blowjob him. I was gugging he was to deep in my and he was going so hard on my mouth like im nothing, that was going for like 1o minutes till he cums in my mouth. He got up and i thin g he was done with me but he wasent he wanted more he was about to rip off my pannis but i start to buch my legs up and down and using my hand to hold him back. When i could take control over him and get on top off he i look him in the yes he look like he was hurt. But before i could sat something or do something he teleport us and now he was on top again and he ripped my pannis off before i could do anything he slap it in my hard and fast i start to yell really loud and start to slap him with my hand and moving around with my feet but he wasent gonna stop so easy. He took me drees and cut it with he hands in 3 pisses i was style moving around trying to go off off him but i could he grap both off my hands with one hand and start to tied me up the same he did with my legs and the last one was form my mouth he tied also so they could her my screams, now i could move the only thing i could move was my eyes all the it her was over the pain, yeah it was my first time and Five know it. he was going in my hard and fast  i start to cry making my vision blurry. that was going on for like 1 hour i thing it really wast the fort hour off my life. When he was done he cum in my and sit up fix hes self and teleport away letting my in there in the cold naked and with pain all over my body.


ok so please dont hate on my for this part i told you is gonna be weird and that five is gonna be the bad guy (at least so with)

its gonna have a part 3 see you soon!

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