Imagines 2

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This is gonna be imagine for Number Five!!!! 

Nobody tell me to do a part 2 because nobody reads me story but anyways...! Lets start with that!


Number 1

-Y/n trips over a ball-

Y/n: ouch my leg hurts

Ben: Are you ok Y/n?! Is there blood?

Y/n: I don't know can you check

-he nods and rolled up her pants-

Ben: There's blood  let me get you a band aid

-he goes get her a band aid-

Ben: there you go Y/n it's all done

Y/n: Thank you Ben !

-she hugs him-

Five: *scoffs* that's suppose's  to be me hugging her and helping her not him..

Number 2

-Y/n buying cake-

Five: Y/n what did you get?

Y/n: Oh I got chocolate and banana :)

Five: Oh ok coll- Can i try some?

Y/n: Yeah of cours-

*his soft lips touch yours whilst his tongue collides with yours*

Five: Great choise of cake ;)

Number 3

-Y/n sees a group of boys at the mall-

Five: y/n what are you looking at!?

*five sees the boys and gets jealous*

*the group of boys go towards y/n and five and start flirting with her*

Boy: so are you dating anyone?

Y/n: actually n-

*Five smashes his lips onto y/n's*

Number 4

(that's a little just a little sad or maybe not)

Delores: So your his ex right?

Y/n: yup.....

Five: so how are you baby?

Delores: good my love

Y/n: ok i need to tell you something..

Five: ok?

Y/n: I'm pregnant with your baby

Five: wait your kidding right?

Y/n: No... I'm not and it's a boy

Five: Yayyy I'm daaaadddd!!

Delores: Yay I'm a step mom...

Y/n: oh hell  nah bitch

Five: sorry but its not going to work out bye

Delores: uh bye? 

Five: How many months or week's are you?

Y/n: 11 moths (idk I am sorry)

Five: oh ok

*some week's later*


Five: shiiiitttt

*five teleports you to the hospital*

Five: HELP my ex is giving birth to my son (thatsss sooo awkwardddd :0)

Doctor: ok come on to this room

*You give birth*

Five: what are you naming him ?

Y/n: Nolan (or whatever name you like)

Five: yeah Nolan !! :)



The last one was difficult to me and is so awkward :0

Anyway!!! I hope you like it !!

HaVe a GoOd DaY or NiGhT wHaTeVeR iS tHeRe WhErE yOu ArE !!!!!!!!!!!!!




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