ps5 (five)

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Warning: start with mad then smut and then fluff.


Y/n POV:

I was mad at five because he didn't give attention this whole day, he was to busy playing with the boys is the ps5. 

I was waiting in bed like 4 hours now to end the game. but he doesn't our off no where i got a idea.

I will go down to the kitchen and close the internet so he can't play. Yeah i totally gonna do that.

I stant up and go do the door but i look back at five.

Y/n: Five i said loud enough se he could hear me.

F: not now im focusing on this. he said not even looking at me, i sight and go down to start my plan.

I search for the internet cable and i pushed it off. I wash scared a bit but then i heard.

F: FAckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I smile to myself but i got scared when i hear five teleport down stairs. 

Y/n: shit. i muddle.

Before he could say something i run away. I dint thought what would happen after this.

I was running in the hall way, when five teleport in front off me and pinned me in the wall. I was scared at this moment.

F: what the hell why would you do that Y/n??? he ask totally mad at me. I dint answer just look down.

F: so now you aren't talking to me?! he ask more mad that i wasent talking. I was scared ass fack.

F: Talk to me damn it!!? he said now with his face inches away from mine. I could feel his breath in me cheek.

F: Okay then. Ill make you talk. he said grapping me and teleport us to his room.

He let me fall on his bed and start immediately taking off me clothes. When he was done with that he got up.

F: one last time are you gonna talk to me? he ask calmly i dint answer i just look down seeing his totally grown up boner.

Five close me eyes with something i could really see anything. But i heard him grapping something and then feeling him go on top off me, i feel that he wash trying to pot something in me. but it wasn't hes dick this was a long cold thing then i heard a ''ding'' and that this start to vibrate in me, it was a vibrator and it was me probably in the heights level. I start to let out some moans from the sudden pleasure i had. I couldn't feel five anymore. but i heard him onziping his pants. Then i felt him getting back on top off me. He thused in me not warning me not even going slow he was going hard pounting in me.

I was totally a moaning mess now.

Y/n: fackkkk im so close fiveeeee i said.

I then felling him pushing out off me ass the vibrator and he start to slow down in me pussy making me orgasm going down.

Y/n: fiveeeeeeee i said with a play voice.

F: you will not cum on till you tell me why you did that. he said huscky in me ear moving so slowly in me.

Y/n: because you didn't give me attention. i said with deep breaths.

F: you know i would play with you after i win, like i always do. he said totally calmy, fack i forget about that. shit. shit. shit.

Y/n: im sorry. was the only thing i could get out in that moment.

F: its okay but next time thing more about it. he said putting his forehead with mine and starting to thrust in me.

Five pot his hand above mine something that he never usually do. Then i understand we wharent making sex anymore we where making love.

I frap me feet around his waist letting him more space and also going deeper.

We where both at the end and we understand it both and we nod to each other leting or orgams take over us.

We where taking deep breaths slowy. Five pullet out and laid next to me. 

F: well that was worth it! he said with a big big big big smile, I smile back.

We cuddle in spooning position before we both fall asleep five said something.

F: i love you Y/n. he said i was sure he thought i was asleep so i didn't hear it, but i wasn't and i wanted to bad to tell him that to.

Y/n: I love you Five. i said i could feel his hear. it was going like crazy. five turne me around and start to kiss all over my face. 

i had never seen him so happy.





word count: 806



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